Katie Scarlett

they are pretty awful and such homies whereas for the Nationals the announcer F.P. is a total chatterbox and on alot of commentary is a legend in his own mind 

they are pretty awful and such homies whereas for the Nationals the announcer F.P. is a total chatterbox and on alot of commentary is a legend in his own mind 

but will they move like Jagger

but will they move like Jagger

I've been saying Yay to Chartex for years and appreciate these great commentaries

I've been saying Yay to Chartex for years and appreciate these great commentaries

thanks, Chartex for the detail on the awfulness - I never planned to ever watch these and can continue to avoid ever seeing them

thanks, Chartex for the detail on the awfulness - I never planned to ever watch these and can continue to avoid ever seeing them

saw none of them and had no desire to - felt that STAR WARS and then empire and jedi to lesser extents just could not be added to

saw none of them and had no desire to - felt that STAR WARS and then empire and jedi to lesser extents just could not be added to

and they did some great stuff - Hartman as Frank Sinatra and as the anal retentive chef on public TV

and they did some great stuff - Hartman as Frank Sinatra and as the anal retentive chef on public TV

oh yeah as well as so many of the other Kristen Wiig characters that in most cases were just way too drawn out skits (whereas, liked her all the way through Bridesmaids)

oh yeah as well as so many of the other Kristen Wiig characters that in most cases were just way too drawn out skits (whereas, liked her all the way through Bridesmaids)

enjoyed XMen First Class in the theater but will probably wait to see this on cable since we have alot of movie channels at our house

and how dragged out was this show particularly during the last half hour - seemed like there were more commercials than show - once the tasks were shown completed, the rest of the show was dragged out like crazy - wish I could have taped it and ffwd over so much of it

and how dragged out was this show particularly during the last half hour - seemed like there were more commercials than show - once the tasks were shown completed, the rest of the show was dragged out like crazy - wish I could have taped it and ffwd over so much of it

so true, everything Team Clay did was better and what a great charity to have - am sure that the Magic Johnson Foundation gets tons of money without this exposure

so true, everything Team Clay did was better and what a great charity to have - am sure that the Magic Johnson Foundation gets tons of money without this exposure

seems like the music biz has created a fame whore for sure