Katie Scarlett

seems like the music biz has created a fame whore for sure

and it'll probably be Arsenio and John Rich as the interviewers on future seasons since other winners of the past were not available?

and it'll probably be Arsenio and John Rich as the interviewers on future seasons since other winners of the past were not available?

someone here had commented that American Idol was selling the songs by album only - not so, they show an option just under the picture if if click in to the album that says get the singles and you can purchase just the one or two items you want  - also, they are radio play length, not the chopped down show versions

agree about Shady and also like Never Close Your Eyes

it would probably get old, too even without any weight consequence - we want candy and chips because they're bad for us and we have to limit their consumption due to weight consequences in particular

it would probably get old, too even without any weight consequence - we want candy and chips because they're bad for us and we have to limit their consumption due to weight consequences in particular

it's more likely that candy will give us our hell on earth, weight gain, health issues, etc.

it's more likely that candy will give us our hell on earth, weight gain, health issues, etc.

CVS was trying to sell salt and vinegar almonds but may have discontinued that item - their chocolate covered cashews are awesome

CVS was trying to sell salt and vinegar almonds but may have discontinued that item - their chocolate covered cashews are awesome

mimics a chocolate croissant - could be not too bad

mimics a chocolate croissant - could be not too bad

so true, Hazelnut is great in coffee though and especially as a latte 

so true, Hazelnut is great in coffee though and especially as a latte 

wow, this additionally makes me glad I missed most of this and tuned in for the actual results (not broadcast until 9:53 after a commercial break)

good comments, Chartex

good for you, different strokes for different folks

agree totally with you both

I don't know either about a fix being in but the WG2 era is sure played out and has been pretty lousy saleswise for the music business, too (going back to Taylor Hicks selling CDs out of the trunk of his car - the soul patrol voted but didn't buy)