Right Wingnut

*Ahem* Ferengi.

I think Fuller said it wasn't going to be the case. It's a shame; I was really hoping to sort of jump around the timeline a bit, and fill in more gaps. The Tomed Incident, The Romulan War (to give Enterprise a proper send-off), ect.

They didn't in the movie, but it is "canon" as far as the book's go. His husband is on the Enterprise-E now, I believe.

I would honestly imagine they are just MMO players who globbed onto and enjoy STO's premise, but aren't attracted to Star Trek for the idealism.

So does anyone here play either X-Wing or Armada? I'm looking to jump into either of those two games, but after watching a lot of play, I can't figure out which one I might like more (if at all!)

While I'm not making big-boy bucks, I do have a swanky new job helping with Math at the nearby community college. I'm not a teacher (yet, that's why I want to go to grad school), but I am making enough that I can sort of enjoy life again without worrying about money.

In the vein of fucking shit, I've been thinking of trying online dating again, but being in the middle of Illinois means my prospects are pretty low. Plus I'm (hopefully) a few months away from moving for grad school. I thought about making the radius of matches big enough to encompass St. Louis (where I might end up

I had a friend share a really piss-poor anti-Feminist/"Women think they have it bad" bullshit list to Facebook. And I'm 95% confident it wasn't an ironically titled thing and was actually pro-feminist.

*In the tube-thingy* "Oh, I am Metaluna…"

They edited it just like any other movie they showed, which is an odd choice for the feature film. I always figured it was so they could get the host segments in as well, but I am no expert.

What's this? A spore… so, we enter endgame…

I think it's because mutants are born that way, their genes will eventually kick in and they'll, well, mutate. Spiderman and the Hulk aren't mutants because their powers come from "natural sources."

Probably Hillary, but he'll accidentally vote for Trump.

Yeah, I didn't read this comment until I was into that website. There aren't enough showers that will help. Humans are a bad invention.

I've had to use that more often than I'd like on this website. I'm hoping it's just due to being an election year.

I've been around this website for a long time, commenting here and there. It just seems lately a larger portion of people commenting are doing so just to hate on the article, or the website in general. Personally, I don't think it's fallen that far from where it has been, and the features I don't enjoy I just don't

Not a transporter, but the cloaking device engaging.

Which would have been perfect if this was episodic and not something you could binge watch.

I find myself looking around a bit nervously when I hear something in the dark. A house settling, or something about to eat me?!