Right Wingnut

I prefer his real name, Steel Hammerhands!

The AV Club was let out early when Sam got his beard stuck in the pencil sharpener.

No hate to those that do that, but I cannot stand the thought of drinking soda in the morning. I have some weird mental block that, before noon, soda tastes horrible.

Whoops, just said this to someone else upthread. But you are 100% right. "EVERYONE GETS OFFENDED SO EASILY ANYMORE! HEY! HE DIDN'T STAND UP! GET HIM!"

Also, the idiots complaining are guaranteed to be the same that will cry that everyone gets so easily offended anymore.

"Put it away?" Boy, are you on the wrong website to say that.


Well, if you ever find yourself near central Illinois, I'll def play Betrayal with you. I have a few friends with whom to play, and it is a lot of fun.

When I saw that in theaters way back when, I literally jumped out of my seat and landed on the ground. Granted, I was like 10, but still.

Yeah, I've seen the messages women get from guys, so I don't really fault her in any way. But they say people look for the "perfect" person with online dating, and if that's the case, then my old self-esteem issues just flair up and I feel like the ugly duckling again.

As much as I'd love to end my vast dry spell, I've never been into one night stands, and have only done friends with benefits once in college. I'm in the zone where I want a relationship, and everyone I message says the same thing. It's utterly depressing.

Physics teacher sounds really gross, to be honest. Who, in the age needed to be an actual teacher, goes around making out like that in public? Kissing, sure, but full on grinding? Find a closet, ya dinguses.

For me, online dating really messes with my self-esteem. I had a pretty down moment a few days ago. I find someone who shares a lot of the same interests in me, and even makes the same joke in her profile. I write up a good message, and then… nothing.

Yeah, now that you say that, anyone I've heard spout off about false accusations is the exact type of person who would toe the line. Luckily, I don't have many of these people in my life.

If they divorce, love itself will be a proven lie, and all hearts will shatter.

Man-Eating Cow is left to defend The City as The Tick and Arthur go on a road trip to New York. So, sorta. (He/She doesn't do much except eat a few bad guys)

Aww! I thought the Generals were due!


The fact that you actually felt sorry for Dukat when Ziyal dies is a strong indicator that they just really, really wrote this show well.