My dad got me into Star Trek at a very young age. We've seen every movie from V onward in the theater, for good or ill. The same for Star Wars.
My dad got me into Star Trek at a very young age. We've seen every movie from V onward in the theater, for good or ill. The same for Star Wars.
I was dating a girl who suggested I watch Zeitgeist. We did not date much longer after that (not just for this, but a lot of other things that just didn't click well).
I started re-reading it before I had to start reading more academic stuff again. Such a creepy book, although it doesn't terrify me as much as the Wendingo encounter in Pet Sematery.
That frustrated "Goddamnit" Mac lets out as the audience laughs at his entrance always makes me laugh.
I love that when he says that to Kira in their first meeting she berates him until he is almost curled up in the floor in a fetal position.
Whoops, should have read farther down before I made my comment saying the same thing! Sorry!
The only episode of TAS that Roddenberry considered canon.
Compared to Dark Frontier, which I thought was the best use of the Borg on Voyager since they were much more a menace in that episode. They couldn't be in Scorpion due to Species 8472, and any episodes with Borg-stuff before that was either a disabled ship or dead drone.
Also, the astronaut's spacesuit is exactly like Enterprise's. So, we can infer that man didn't land on the moon until much, much, late. Either that, or by the time we did, it wasn't the United States, but the Terran Empire, in whatever form it was in.
There's also an increase in antagonism with the Klingon Empire due to Kirk's actions at Genesis. I honestly don't see how it's really a stretch to make those movies into a trilogy. Spock is still recovering from being reborn, Kirk is still grieving, in his own way, his son's death, and the crew is adjusting to the…
My favorite bride is ST VI. The perfect meld of what-will-come of TNG and old-school push-button bridge stations.
The guy who wrote that song (and maybe performed it?) was the very same punk Spock knocked out!
You have to wonder, though, if computer programming would have become that much different at a basic level.
Also the fact that he doesn't call Riker "Number One," simply his rank. And the annoyed look Riker gives shows that there is no camaraderie among this crew. They are fighting a losing war, and the strain shows.
I have to force myself to not binge watch certain shows, particularly OITNB, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, and this. While some will tell you "just pace yourself!" the problem is, everyone has their own pace, and it isn't until a month or two after the show has premiered the majority are all at the same spot (finished) that we…
100% fully agree with you. I'm almost done with the series, and I'm not going to spoil it (obviously), but the fact that it isn't just Joyce trying to get people to believe her until the final one or two episodes really helps keep the pace of the series moving in the back half.
*coughs out cigarette smoke*
I assume he didn't give you a heads up when making the date saying "there's a chance I might have to postpone due to work," so it's a big red flag and you should send him nothing but Frinkiac generated memes and GIFs if/when he responds to you.
I know far too much about a future that will not happen, but I absolutely love Star Trek, so I don't care.
It's also the only moon with an atmosphere, with hydrocarbon lakes. Endlessly fascinating.