"Why yes, I do specialize in beheading. Why do you ask?"
"Why yes, I do specialize in beheading. Why do you ask?"
I also enjoyed that episode of the Simpsons.
It's the day before my birthday. What a lovely early present.
Whoops, look who forgot to hit refresh.
@Sar: Office Space. It's actually "Corporate Accounts Payable", but whatever.
I love those episodes. I hope that Zach takes one more Star Trek series on, and reviews DS9. He can pass on Voyager and Enterprise.
I went to university too! Does this mean I can be an asshole on the internet, also?
Well way to ruin the timeline, Jim!
Things aren't that bad yet, Anywhere. I only cook and eat my shoes ironically now.
Merch spammed… forever!
John Anderson
I'm not sure if someone has mentioned this, but the reason you can really feel sorry for the character and why he plays the emotions of having lost his wife tragically is because the actor lost his real wife before filming this episode. According to the Wiki, it was hard for him to play the part.
I had it, and no matter what could not legitimately get off the Borg Cube. I know you are supposed to get assimilated, then go back and do it again but this time use your pain trance or whatever to keep your intelligence, but I could never do that. So I just cheated.
When he started saying the blessing, I had so many flashbacks to discovering Monotheism. Then I remembered I needed to start moving my pikemen in to destroy the dreaded Russians.
Wait! Come back! I need closure on that anecdote!
*Happy Spoilers*
Of course Vader held up a bank, he has two bastard kids and a lot of alimony to pay up.
I've also read (from Memory Alpha) that due to the high budget needed for Q Who they had to do a few bottle shows and they *still* needed to do a clip show.
I think we can all agree this had a beautiful ending.
Have those fat cat scientists proven she's evil yet? Cause I'm pretty sure she is.