Plus, she's P.T. Anderson's baby momma. Who knows what kind of weird shit that dude likes to lay down in the bedroom.
Plus, she's P.T. Anderson's baby momma. Who knows what kind of weird shit that dude likes to lay down in the bedroom.
They also could have mentioned the cold open from season one, with April and Cutler's extremely awkward sex scene.
I'm really curious to know how Just A Nigga Who Likes Titties feels about this post.
I feel like that film is one of the most honest portrayals of male friendship, even down to the bro on bro action towards the end of the film. And it's also a good portrayal of boobies.
Gotta love the slow-mo Dafoe cock. It's like a baby's arm.
He's also a fullonrapist! Children, Africans, stuff like that.
Well, in his defense, his wife WAS a dirty, dirty whooooooore.
I just hope it wasn't the fat dude she was fucking in the first two episodes of the season. That subplot needs to go away and never come back. Also I just really hope it's Rickety Cricket. OH MY GOD OR ONE OF THE MCPOYLES!
This one will probably stand up better to repeats, but so far the best episode of the season has been "The Gang Buys a Boat". I'm not sure if this one is as good as "Mac's Big Break", but it could be?
@Inspector X: Ronald Reagan?! THE ACTOR?!
I like this painting. One dog's facing one way, the other one's facing the other way.
That was for charity!
Take my corrupt South American drug trade, please!
Ollie the Onyx? Larry the Lynx? Tony the Wop?
Yeah, it was the uniforms. And the insignias. I was like, four or five! I was going around drawing swastikas on everything! I didn't know what it meant! I just thought that they were the bad guys from those movies I liked to watch after I got home from preschool.
I read in the New York Times
That in real life, six months after she successfully freed her brother, he had a nasty spill, hit his head, and died. Uhhhhhh, fail?
Needs 75% more Killdozer
Hey! You got racist in my bigot!
Hey! You got bigot in my racist!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III
The one where the Turtles go back in time to feudal Japan and become samurais. I assumed that everyone in Japan wore badass armor and carried around swords and everything was set to dramatic drum music and the sky was always this ominous color of orange. Yeeeeeeah I've never been…
…they're not?