The No-Eyebrows Cowboy

You know who should also get an indefinite suspension? Teadoust! For having such an awesome, insightful, and heroic blog!

Speaking of being an adult, perhaps you might be interested in my pal teadoust's blog? It has many sparking examples of how to behave like an adult!

Good point, teadoust!

Look, guys! It's teadoust's blog!

1.) I've never posted on Rotten Tomatoes in my entire life.

Boobs! Heinie! Mittens!

That Shalit is a dingaling!

This news is just DRRRRRREEEEEADFUL!

Corpse you stole from the med school that you have sex with every morning before work?

"Ba Ba Blackmail!"
I hope every episode gets a ridiculous, nonsensical title like this one. All in all I was happy with this episode. The opening montage was excellent (the forks and knives made me LOL super hard as well), and even if the interviews felt a bit staid, it's just damn nice to have Conan back and doing

People who dismiss B&S as wimpy really haven't done their homework. Look at some of their lyrics, yeah often times they can be precious and twee, but on the same token, "I Could Be Dreaming" is a murder fantasy. "Ease Your Feet Into The Sea" is about suicide. "The Boy With The Arab Strap" is about that one fucked up

Kyle, did you ever picture yourself having to actually type out the phrase "Hitler, you misunderstand my point" in any context ever?


Tigermilk is pretty much flawless. It's one of the few albums where I find it impossible to pick a favorite song, because they're all such winners. All other B&S albums have at least one or two songs that I tend to skip over, but I can listen to Tigermilk all the way through every single time.

It's not your firstie that they're after, boy, it's yooooooou

I remember watching quite a bit of Home Improvement when I was a kid, but for the life of me I cannot recount to you a single episode synopsis.

Yeah that part was really unsettling. I like to imagine that it was Van Alden doing what we all thought he was gonna do a few weeks ago when he flagellated himself. But really, who knows?

Anyone who creates not only Deep Thoughts, but also Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer and Toonces the Cat That Drives is okay in my book.

"Whining and dining and having heart attacks and sleeping with women way out of his league and just kind of generally being an asshole"

Oh shit! Zombie Omar comin'!