The No-Eyebrows Cowboy

I loved that movie in high school, and I can still somewhat enjoy it today, but I can't get over how awful most of the acting and the dialogue is, it's straight out of some Stock Book of Tough Guy Robbers and Their Favorite Cliches or something. Especially Stephen Baldwin. Also I'm kind of horrified that not only is

Right on, guys. Out of Sight is one of the most underrated films of the 90's. What else can you say about a film that has so many heavy hitters (Clooney! Rhames! Zahn! Cheadle! Farina! Keener! Guzman! Keaton! Brooks!) and still manages to ring out the ONLY good performance from fucking J. Lo EVER?

I bet it was because you suddenly realized what the fifth element was: Love. Love is the fifth element.

Inglourious Basterds
The first time I saw the trailer, I thought it was gonna be the fucking dumbest piece of shit ever. I swore I would never see it. I was in a very snobbish phase of my film education anyway.

OOOOOOH! He just insulted your muthaflippin AVATAR, BRO! Whaddya gonna do now, huh?! Huh?!


Now teadoust, buddy, we've talked about this. I know you're going through a rough time in life—lord knows I had a lot of confused, pent-up emotions when I was 16—but what have we been talking about? CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Now, I read your comment, and instead of making an argument as to why we should appreciate Ms.

'A Krusty Burger? Well that doesn't sound too appealing…what kind of stew do you have?"

The Revenge of Mom?

Shut up, Nas.

For all the talk of what a hard person Burroughs was to know and get along with, I thought he captured the pain and longing of unrequited love better than anyone ever has with "Queer". Anyone who thinks that Burroughs was only interested in fucking around with cut-up styles and nonsensical wordplay should read

Yeah, but he kind of destroyed everyone he came into contact with for prolonged periods of time, just in different ways. Just the kind of hombre he was.

Eh, for some reason I always chuckle when he says "Got the gist?!" at the end of the scene he's in.

Mike Myers tried to get Fellini to direct Wayne's World 2. I'm not joking.

I see what you're saying, Zombie, but I honestly feel as though the reason you feel that way about Sedaris' work is because he's kind of set the tone for that kind of thing you're talking about, the whole NPR/White People Like voice. It's been done to death by now, but I'm sure when he first arrived on the scene in

Consumate angry four-eyes Steve Albini…

I've tried over the years to get into Godflesh, but it's just never happened, even though it seems like the type of thing I'd totally be into. Any recommendations on a good place to start with them, guys?

FINALLY, someone else mentions Melvins. There never would have been a Nirvana if there hadn't been Melvins. Show King Buzzo some fucking respect, people!

1.) Mudhoney "Superfuzz Bigmuff + Early Singles"
2.) Nirvana "In Utero"
3.) Soundgarden "Badmotorfinger"
4.) Melvins "Stoner Witch"
5.) Screaming Trees "Buzz Factory"
6.) Nirvana "Bleach"
7.) Smashing Pumpkins "Siamese Dream"
8.) Melvins "Houdini"
9.) Soundgarden "Superunknown"
10.) Pearl Jam "Vitalogy"

So this means a resurgence in my least favorite celebrity trend of all time: lame, lazy, corny-ass "Am I getting 'PUNK'D' right now?!" jokes. Wonderful. Thanks, Bieber.