
"As you may know if you read Page Six … of my publicist's emails."

Ah, did I forget that from last season? Read that as "Bob & Co".

"I'm going to go home to my family, maybe watch a video." Cesar is ice cool. Hopefully he kills off Ray and Charlotte and sets himself up as El Paso's new oddly nonchalant drug kingpin

I appreciated an attempt to engage with the religiosity of the border area beyond the "boy, religious people sure are crazy!" tack they've taken with Linder & Co and seem to be taking with Eleanor. The dissonance between the extreme violence and general amorality of the cartels and the deep Catholicism of their

The overarching plot of the season has to be experienced for yourself, so I won't say much other than that it was beautiful and majestic and not what I expected from this show, but I *will* say that the Archdeacon saying mass was just about the comedy highlight of the year for me. Simon McBurney is a master.

Me, about fifteen minutes in: "Wow, this is basically a checklist of Tourism Australia marketing points. The only thing missing is somebody having an Aboriginal Spiritual Experience." Five minutes later…

Well Catholics (and Orthodox, I think?) don't call them the Apocrypha for exactly this reason. In the uncommon situations where they need to be described as a separate category they would be called the "Deuterocanon" i.e. "second canon".

After last week I'm convinced that the generic boyfriend is a sexy werewolf and Dana is the Chosen One forced to fight in an epochal struggle between great forces of the paranormal. I would love them to just spend five minutes an episode on that, it couldn't be any less relevant to the main plot than the hit-and-run

For a second I legitimately wondered if the entire rest of the episode would be in slow motion.

The Linder plotline is so tonally different to the rest of the show as well - as the main investigation gets more and more like standard police fare, Linder's story is spinning out further into unreality. It feels like two completely different shows at times. It seems to be deliberate though - in this ep they cut

He might not have stopped killing at all. Since he mentioned to Linden that he had other dump sites, is it possible that he just stopped using the one we've seen after Adrian spotted him? (Though I can't remember the timeline on whether any of those seventeen murders postdate the Trisha Seward incident, so this theory

The way they closed this episode is a real sign of this show's sudden maturity. They gave us the first ten seconds or so of the usual cliffhanger music over images of Holder, Linden and Seward looking troubled and then suddenly… nothing. The usual corny twist completely avoided. They just left us stranded, in the same

Yeah, when the music started up for the end of the episode I was a bit disappointed because I thought we were just going to finish with yet another crucial person missing without a trace, a device which the season has already used as much as it reasonably can. The knife-to-the-throat thing is a bit corny but at least

First reference to the events of the first and second seasons with Holder's mention of the waterfront! Veena Sud is subtly putting the Rosie case back in our minds to set up the big reveal that the killer is the demon-possessed Tommy Larsen

I was about to post the same question. Half the shocking end-of-episode reveals on this show are lost on me because I have no clue who any of these people are. Was it the voice matching on the porn tapes or something?

Maybe West Wing post-Sorkin is a better comparison. Initially after his departure it sucked hard, but eventually they turned it into a quite different but reasonable show, albeit nowhere near the heights of the Sorkin era. (They also ended the series with a near JK Rowling level of shipper-service, so expect a

Although this 'marriage' isn't legal either, whatever the gentleman involved chooses to call it.

Sadly I think the ridiculousness of much of season 1 poisoned people against what wasn't an awful show in season 2. Then again I'm a sucker for anything that approximates moodiness. (Or, as The Killing would put it, rain. Also gum.)

My favourite part was Carrie screaming into the phone that there was a
helicopter and they needed to track it. Her elite team of CIA officers wouldn't think of that without her urgent advice

My favourite part was Carrie screaming into the phone that there was a
helicopter and they needed to track it. Her elite team of CIA officers wouldn't think of that without her urgent advice