
Yeah, I find that a bit irresponsible on Saul's part and somewhat out of character. He's fond of Carrie but has also been shown to be clear-eyed about her mental stability and willing to burn her when he thinks she's putting things at risk (e.g. in Marine One, when he eventually makes the decision to ignore Carrie's

Yeah, I find that a bit irresponsible on Saul's part and somewhat out of character. He's fond of Carrie but has also been shown to be clear-eyed about her mental stability and willing to burn her when he thinks she's putting things at risk (e.g. in Marine One, when he eventually makes the decision to ignore Carrie's

I don't know anything about Washington state law on this point, but surely it's illegal to watch someone roll a car with a person in the trunk into a lake and not do anything about it. There's some level of responsibility when you witness something like that. He had the option to dive in and save her, or call 911 and

I don't know anything about Washington state law on this point, but surely it's illegal to watch someone roll a car with a person in the trunk into a lake and not do anything about it. There's some level of responsibility when you witness something like that. He had the option to dive in and save her, or call 911 and

Ames is the rich dad yes. The idea is that Jamie beat her up (sort of accidentally, the standard "I just wanted her to be quiet and killed her by accident" thing) and put her in the trunk of the campaign car he was driving, thinking she was dead while in fact she was just unconscious.* He drove the route off the

Ames is the rich dad yes. The idea is that Jamie beat her up (sort of accidentally, the standard "I just wanted her to be quiet and killed her by accident" thing) and put her in the trunk of the campaign car he was driving, thinking she was dead while in fact she was just unconscious.* He drove the route off the

I don't know if the writers meant this as a tacit apology or a wry comment or whatever, but it's fitting that in the finale, after two full seasons of red herrings and misdirects, the person who last week's cliffhanger pointed to as the killer ACTUALLY WAS the killer (or at least one of the killers). That was the most

I don't know if the writers meant this as a tacit apology or a wry comment or whatever, but it's fitting that in the finale, after two full seasons of red herrings and misdirects, the person who last week's cliffhanger pointed to as the killer ACTUALLY WAS the killer (or at least one of the killers). That was the most

No in-universe reason that I can think of, but it seems too obvious since the show's been pointing a flashing EVIL sign at her since the moment she was introduced.

No in-universe reason that I can think of, but it seems too obvious since the show's been pointing a flashing EVIL sign at her since the moment she was introduced.

In the unlikely event of a third season, the show will still be called "The Killing" so presumably there needs to be a new murder to investigate. There haven't been any deaths this season except Belko's self-inflicted one, so presumably we can expect a bit more bloodshed in the finale.

In the unlikely event of a third season, the show will still be called "The Killing" so presumably there needs to be a new murder to investigate. There haven't been any deaths this season except Belko's self-inflicted one, so presumably we can expect a bit more bloodshed in the finale.

I doubt the douchebag basketball guy is coming back but I'm convinced there'll be more on the tape. Probably Rosie nonchalantly taking the elevator back down, and thus it turns out that the Meeting of Evil had nothing to do with Rosie's death and the blood on the access card is just the result of Mean Chief Nicole

I doubt the douchebag basketball guy is coming back but I'm convinced there'll be more on the tape. Probably Rosie nonchalantly taking the elevator back down, and thus it turns out that the Meeting of Evil had nothing to do with Rosie's death and the blood on the access card is just the result of Mean Chief Nicole

I spent the last couple of months convinced that Gwen was the killer (because she, as much as Gil, contributed to Richmond's arrest in the first season finale, and because of the writers' subtle removal of her alibi) so it's a bit disappointing to see the focus placed on her and Jamie this week. Obviously the other

I spent the last couple of months convinced that Gwen was the killer (because she, as much as Gil, contributed to Richmond's arrest in the first season finale, and because of the writers' subtle removal of her alibi) so it's a bit disappointing to see the focus placed on her and Jamie this week. Obviously the other