The Scarlet Pumpernickel



M y favorite part of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Hoo-ha was when I studiously avoided it in both theater and on DVD.

The gay allegory works well if you actualy look at some of the Sentinels-era X Men comics, most notably the graphic novel "God Loves, Man Kills". But I agree withJorge's assessment that the mutant stuff was conceived iof within the framework of the civil rights movement—the lsingle greatest thing that forced gay

My not so secret crush on Isla Fisher is a partial justification for my dislike for Sascha baron Cohen.

@BR: By volume, mass or total number of page views?

Warren, he's stealing all your best lines!


I love Roger Corman
in theory more than in practice. His movies are like Cool Ranch Doritos—they make me a little nauseated after a while, but I always forget about that and have them again.

I think that political (or in deed any) activism in celebrities is aggravating only when they have no idea what they are talking about. Lena Horne's activities were hardly acted on without first hand experience. Madonna talking about suffering in Africa isn't the same thing as Bono talking about debt relief.

—-sound of crickets chirping—-

Anyaroses, as the bard says, doth protest too much.


Ditto on the cats—just saw that movie (LTROI) last night, and how awesome it was too. It just goes to show you that effects quality is one of the least importnant aspects of a movie (at least for me).

I too am not sure why you get picked on, Teadoust, sicne I havent noticed you being anything other that harmless and occasionally interesting/funny, like most people here.

Alternatively, if you're stuck on the bus with no online access, you can always silently hum Jimi Hendrix's "Voodoo Chile: Slight return" to yourself. That has saved me on more than one occasion, most notably a two day stint with Ace of Base's "I saw the Sign" stuck in my head until I nearly checked myself into a

What gives, Kirk? You trying to out mbs mbs?

The goggles do nothing…

Amen, brother. But LA does suck. You can like SoCal weather fine and still think LA sucks.

I went to school for a year with the girl who plays Rachel Menken, and she was significantly better looking back then, entirely related to the fact that she was about ten pounds heavier, with a truly fabulous rack. She still looks good, though.