The Scarlet Pumpernickel

If you're French and you join a posse, apparently.

OXygen that used to be Polish, maybe?

Since when does any God fearing male have to apologize for checking out high school girl booty, big or otherwise? Hitting on, OK, I see your point. But looking? Who says that's not OK?

Not to point out the obvious, but calling a homicidal lunatic, African or otherwise, a dick is much more in the way of understatement than racism.

Are you guys high? Beorn is the deus ex machina that keeps the good guys from LOSING the battle of the Five Armies.

I tried, but she wouldnt let me

Say what you will about the tenets of Biastocian tentacle rape, at least it's an ethos….

I am just asssuming you wrote something he didn't like—don't know that for a fact.

The reason Jesus went so far in life and after, Lobsters, is that he was the first major proponent of forgiveness as a sociopolitical phenomenon, which was a major step forward for human society. Revenge is a natural instinct for most humans, much more natural than letting stuff go.

And the award goes "Most ironically named person interviewed by the Onion this year" goes to…
this guy.

Making fun of the Boot is definitely a bootable offense.

Sounds like?

Would you ask Tom Petty that?

If you want to get specific, the single largest factor in creating the Iraqi resistance was the demoblization of the Iraqi army—nothing like suddenly creating 350,000 unemployed men who still have their own guns to foster domestic stability.

Your bias and semi literate analysis is showing. Your argument makes no sense. The use of force in Iraq was a terrible idea and the problems Iraq now faces are entirely the creation of US policy and military action.

But it's appreciated by the nerdy-yet-not-technically-proficient of us in the commenting throng.

I had always thought sawbuck was a five. It's amazing how far we can get in life without having our misinterpretations corrected. Thanks, Ronin—you may be masterless, but you are still samurai.

These boards generate a lot of innuendo in various forms about how much various anonymous people would like to have sex with various pop culture figures. I don't recall anybody being excited about raping said pop culture figures.

As much as I hate agreeing with reactionaries, Pampl is right. Reducing the Iraqi conflict to "soldiers killing innocents" at this stage is pretty fucking stupid. I agree that Iraq is agiant mess created under false pretenses, but dismissing the role of the military as killing innocents is fatuous at best,