The Scarlet Pumpernickel

Offhand, the only historical coffin-popping I ever heard of was Robert Guiscard pretending to be dead so that his men could take him into a church he wanted to sack in the early 13th century.

I admit to having not completed this task, but the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire is a surprisingly fun read, although I understand (please expand as needed Clueless Neophyte) that the quality of the work as history has dropped in the estimation of historians significantly.

My outrage is genuine.  Are you really trying to claim that 'others do it too" is a legitimate defense for what is essentially a racist, baseless screed?  What's with you guys (conservatives/Bush apologists) routinely engaging in this stuff and then acting like it's OK because maybe someone did something similar?


With all due respect, Lefftenant, the nuttiness of Mormonism is not primarily their cosmogony, (which I would argue is a little weirder than average (everyone gets their own planet, etc)).  The nuttiness comes in believing in Joseph Smith, of whom we have a pretty good sense based on historical documents, and who

"Bitch set me up" is still one of the great lines in American political discourse. I make no apologes, and laugh every time I think of it.


Your idea for a porno library is intriguing and I wish to subscribe to you newsletter…

This may actually be my favorite shtick poster ever. As an MD and a former HIV counselor, here are a few thoughts:

No, you're not, you'll be stone dead in a moment.
He says he's not dead.
Oh, do us a favor..

OK, that actually made me laugh out loud.

Come back to us, Ape Froman!


To my knowledge, there is no sexual violence, but it can be pretty gory from my brief sampling playing on my brother's system. I guess it comes down to your definition of heavy gore. Is Halo too heavy? Is Gears of War?

I agree with edked as well as other posters above who talk about the problem with the 'it's genetic' versus 'it's a choice' debate. The argument is at its heart a political one, and has only partly to do with the incredibly complex and protean entity that consitutes human sexuality.

Doug E Fresh recently served as guest MC and frontman for Galactic at the Brooklyn Bowl, and he did "Ladidadi" with the full band, preceded by call and response human beat box with Stanton Moore on the drums. It was fucking amazing. He may have been a one hit wonder, but the man has skills and stage presence.

Our next selection will be " In the Garden of Eden" by:

See "Hearts of Darkness." You will enjoy the Hopper bits at the very least.

As I recall, Quention Tarantino routinely referred to this scene as the best thing he had written for a long time, until recently—I don't recall what replaced it in his mind. But yes, it is by far my favorite thing he has ever done, and one of my favorite Dennis Hopper moments.

Gary Coleman's last words
" Hopper still lives."