The Scarlet Pumpernickel

How is Twilight a horror movie? OTher than the horror of sitting through it?

*no matter what they SAY.

Pretty girls, in my experience, tend to develop less of a personality than other people because they have no pressure on them to be interesting—people pay attention to them no matter what they see. The only attractive women I have met who have personalities are those who either don't realize they are hot, started out

The words of the immortal PT Barnum come to mind:
"There's a sucker born every minute."

Thanks a lot, Wolinsky
That Angela Lansbury video is something that I never, never wanted to see. And I can't unsee it. I may have to start smoking so that I can have a stroke and start losing my temporal lobes in the hopes of losing that mental image.

Pointless, but still first
ha HA!

You have wounded me to the quick, sir.

I am merely taking pleasure in Cameron's humbling before his peers—that's not a vitriolic reaction, that's schadenfreude (I have no idea how to get umlauts on my computer, so you can print this page out and draw them in if you like).

In your face, James Cameron
Every now and then, justice prevails. Jeff Bridges wins best actor, and Avatar gets mostly shut out of the awards. While I enjoyed Avatar, it was hardly anything other than a technical masterpiece—gorgeous but empty. Kind of like Scarlet Johanssen.

I watched about 4 minutes
Then I started getting more extroverted in my suicidal tendencies.

I had never heard of this man. The video is poignant, as is the music. I'll have to check it out.

I litorally had to paddle up the coast.

If by "unconventional" they mean "thermonuclear," at least in terms of hotness, then I totally agree.

This just confirms my theory that we could take care of this year's federal deficit if we simply offered a raffle at 20$ a pop to get to punch Gwyneth in the face.

If you did the joke maybe with heart, it could work phonically.

The Economist is awesome. I wish American conservatives were 1/100th as coherent as those guys. It's ideal for reading on the plane, since it's so dense.

Olivia Williams
She is terrific in almost everything she is in, but she won my heart forever with Rushmore—such a tender portrayal, trying to be nice to Max…I was moved.

Hats off to Lord Running Clam for the most accurate post of the thread.

"Toe-to toe intellectually?"
More like "ass to ass."

If Zooey Deschanel plays MJ AND she gets hit by a bus, mangled beyond all recognition in the first five minutes, I can heartily endorse this reboot.