The Scarlet Pumpernickel

I blame Tim Burton for that bullshit.

@ Pinkney: if you're really into insane, innuendo driven blond women who look remarkably like chickens, then I suppose not.

@monkeylint: hilarious.

Terry Gilliam
I am a huge fan of his stuff, but I definitely appreciate in this interview how much he implicitly ( and explicitly, really) acknowledged the frustrations for viewers inherent in his cinematic approach. I too hated the end of Time Bandits, although I think it was good for me in the imaginative 'eat

Lieutenant Uhuru?

I too love Jeff Bridges—he has that rare and outstanding ability to shine like a diamond in whatever he lands in, be it pot of gold or giant moist allosaurus turd.

Are there UNretarded morons?

Calmer 'n' you are, dude.


You know, when I was a surgical intern, we used to joke about how we should write a manual on how to kill yourself properly. There are a lot of better ways to kill yourself than stabbing oneself in the abdomen. Shit, if he really is that fat, he might not even reach any of his vital organs.

I am not going to wait a month to watch A Month in the Country.

Don't stop now, OtP, you're on a roll.

If you want to get calls from Tom Cruise, it is.

Top, Gun, Ted and Alice.

Whoops, SEQUEL.

The sequal name joke is genre that has been done to death ( at least on this site), but that made me laugh out loud anyway, Amelie. Gracias.

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the

Lucy's drowning…

if you're Han or Bantu, I can understand your perspective there, K. But the America Historical narriative as taught in schools is totally dominated by white guys, and old white guys have had a strangle hold on money and power globally for nigh on two hundred years now.

Yeah, I agree with Bling above. I think the reason the Road is such a great (book, not movie) post apocalypric story is that most of the time, not only is there redemption at the end of the story, but there are all kinds of cool monsters and mutants and fun exciting critters loping through the landscape.