The Scarlet Pumpernickel

I am not criticizing the movie by saying its fans are bad people. I rendered an entirely subjective judgement of THIS movie on that basis. I believe it to be mean spirited at its core. If you like this particularly drab and unintersting cinematic corner of Americana, then bully for you.

The only thing that proves you're stupid, Dave, is that you keep rising to the bait. They're just keeping themselves (and me, I have to say) entertained.

I don't think it's as much that they know nothing about cinema as that they enjoy laughing at the characters. The people that I know who like this movie do not have affection for Napoleon, but contempt, and relief at either not being or no longer being like him. At least that's how I read this movie.

Motion seconded and carried. PTP is remanded to custody, to await long term confinement and thorough discussion of hermeneutics with TAD.

I have a feeling that this is just a persona you are assuming to yank someone's chain. However…

Agreed. It's not your prostate is getting any smaller Sean.

Thanks a lot for that link. as if I needed evidence that a) contrary to popular belief, Glen Beck is only ONE of the craziest people in the country and b) also contrary to popular belief, people in the US have way too much time and money on their hands.

::Insert obligatory titular vaginal reference here::

Eclectic Eel is 101% correct—the majority are in fact Maronite Christians. I believe that the vast majority of Arab Americans are Lebanese in ancestry, at least traditionally—certainly the oldest communities (Michigan, where a big chunk of my mother in law's family is from) are .

You do.

Massachusetts, like Virginia, is a commonwealth. Hence, the correct answer to the first STATE in the country is…..

An F
Good for you, Nathan! WAy to utilize the full range of the alphabet in defense of the viewing public.

Hot Fuzz has a faithful and loving parody of that very sequence of gestures.

Well played, inle—I am appropriately corrected.

One of Holly Hunter's finest roles.

I see what you did there, bascule.

Havent yet played the game, but am excited to.

Hmm, the autoantifirstie.

I love midget hooker prawns in a green curry.

We can battle it out some time for whose subsequent date went worse.