The Scarlet Pumpernickel

Dead Ringers
Great movie. Although from experience, I can safely say that it is possibly the worst movie to take a woman to on your first date. I did this in high school.

"hopiuy" being shorthand for a particularly virulent strain of hantavirus that you inhaled while gorging yourself on mouse poops during your epic FAILURE.

Apparently, you enjoy in equal parts a) having your time wasted and b) staring at Monica Bellucci.

aaaaaaaaaaaand…..he's back.

My mom's hatchet wound is rubber and you're, uh….

A man with a hammer for a penis who yodles quietly about loving donuts is questioning MY motives?

about the movie, about the game, about the TV show.

Once you've had Fat
You never go back. True 'nuff.

The Maw
I enjoyed that game more than I really should have—it had the charm of the entertainingly weird. This sounds similarly fun. Can't see the review score yet—sounds like an A- or so, though.

I am very sad to have missed this thread. I have never actually talked to anybody else who had read Gregory's History of the Franks.

Oh well, if you're going to get technical, no, the upcoming generation of actresses don't do much for me. Megan Fox can go back to whatever vat she was grown in. If you tell me that Ms. Bynes shows evidence of intelligence in her roles, I'll take your word for it, and concede that I may have some degree of sampling

Bubba Hotep is an excellent film, and I am sad that Bruce Campbell will not be partipating in the sequel. I am even more sad that it is even less likely that Ossie DAvis will make a bravura appearance, since he died in 2005.

I must beg to differ politely with you gentle(men?). Amanda Bynes is at best marginally attractive on the actress scale, and having been forced to watch bits and pieces of a few of her movies, I can safely say that she has significantly less talent than looks.

Can I see your MRI, Jorge?

To round out the latin douchiness, Et cetera does mean "and the rest" while et ALIA means "and the others." Both are neuter second declension plural, and refer to things in general, without gender bias.

My theory?

Outside of a dog, man's best friend is a (comic) book
As Groucho once said. "Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read."

My first comics were Doonesbury and Pogo, introduced by my parents' freinds who had shitloads of it on their shelves. Both strips work on multiple levels, and I think that that influence made me into the political junkie that I am.

To alcohol: the cause of, and the solution to, all of life's problems!