The Scarlet Pumpernickel

I'm pretty sure that's covered by the 7th as well, if not several others.

The rapists' guild, definitely.


And just consider this:
with a few more syllables
would have had haiku!

You wish.

You want a disturbing image?

me, I was always sad that Hectic Planet stopped at issue 10. The hockey issue with Ron Chitin is one of my all time faves in any comic form.

I think I am supposed to say 'die in a fire' or some such, though honestly I am not sure what that accomplishes in this case.

Maybe he didnt exert so much influence over comic books, but I would say that Walt Kelly had a lot of influence over comics in general with Pogo.

I am surprised at the relative lack of love for Mike Mignola expressed thus far. Perhaps this is because of the obvious nature of the paradigm shift which he helped drive in comics. Hellboy's art is awesome and awe inspiring—a rare twofer in comics. Maybe it's just that I love the plots so much, but I don't

Not questioning Murrow's enormous ability or stature—merely pointing out he has been gone for some time. Greatest contemporary/ (formerly) living broadcast media journalist would have been a fair assessment of Uncle Walter

Murrow's been pushing daisies for some time. While I think greatest hero is a a tad hyperbolic, there is no one in current broadcast mediawho has WC's journalistic credentials, acumen and charisma. In print there are a few—Frank Rich comes to mind, possibly David Remnick, Seymour Hersh, but none of them have ever

Uncle Walter
I was just old enough to catch the end of his career. He talked me through the Iranian hostage crisis, which mesmerized me for weeks on end at ages 8-9. He was a gentleman and a scholar. Rest in peace, good sir.

I usually just go through his posts counting adverbs.

Wait, aren't Zooey and Katy Perry the same person?

"War criminals" are, unfortunately. only on the losing side. At least so far.

Agree with bulk of the above—the fundamental issue in Vietnam is that we were on the wrong side of a colonial to post colonial transition which we misapprehended as a battle of capitalism versus communism. According to what I have read, Ho Chih Minh fought against the Japanese during WWII and then asked for our

John Corbett
I realize he's not getting a ton of other work, but he's not a bad actor. Why is he in this? Does she have naked pictures of him with Bubbles the Chimp or Mark Foley or something?

John Corbett
I realize he's not getting a ton of other work, but he's not a bad actor. Why is he in this? Does she have naked pictures of him with Bubbles the Chimp or Mark Foley or something?