The Scarlet Pumpernickel

Nia Vardalos throughout history!
My Big Fat Japanese Bataan Death March
My Big Fat Javanese Eruption of Krakatoa
My Big Fat American War to Free the Slaves/War of Northern Aggression (title changed based on regional marketing)
My Big Fat Donner Party

That actually made me laugh out loud, Rev.

"Stop with the incest already." Or some thing like that maybe.

nothing against any of the women above, but there are few women on the planet of any age who come close to Bellucci for sheer volcanic hotness.

If you sold raffle tickets to get a chance at five minutes with that guy tied to a chair and a baseball bat, you could make about a billion dollars.

I miss Burl.

As a man in his thirties, married for three years, I find the above post most disheartening, chiefly because my wife doesnt even play scrabble.

you you you

Are you saying boo, or boo-urns?

A new theory
Perhaps someone is knocking off second tier and left over celebrities (MJ, desdpite former fame, can hardly be called A list at this stage).

Also apparently titled "Der 500000 Dollar Coup" in Germany, and, my personal favorite, "Tama mies on dynamiittia!" (finland)—although that last one is missing some no doubt key umlauts and such.

IMDB sez: released as Special Delivery (1976) and then rereleased as Dangerous Break on VHS in 1997 for no apparent reason.

All tied up pulling together my Uwe Boll retrospective—but I have mr. Bay's oeuvre in mind for the next one.

Those guys must have been wearing their bamboo-scented cologne. Thanks for the update, your Holiness.

I dont see how my statement qualifies as bashing religious people—I intended it as bashing Mel Gibson and the Passion of the Christ, which even people who liked would probably admit had some serious issues. There are plenty of religious people who don't get off (literally) on the flayed alive aspect of the Passion

You have to admit, that was a reasonably good facsimilie of your average first thread. I may pay tribute by never reading the first thread again.

Bravo, TWFS. You out tarkovsky TFAD. I get confused and aggravated just looking at the screen your parody is on.

He means "goblins of color."

I resent that.

This confirms that you need to get some new hobbies.