The Scarlet Pumpernickel

puss filled = full of cats, I assume.

Much love for the time bandits reference, and I agree completely. I do think that he is primarily suffering from exposure exposure/one track shtickiness at this juncture, because taken individually, his performances are mostly pretty funny.

Ocular melanoma.

I can empathize with your love, without sharing it. Let me refresh your memory:

Ooooooooooooooooooooo, that is creepy. Like a Giant fly crossed with a poodle.

And what then about the zombie robot menace? Followed by the Robot Zombie plague?
Not to mention Rob Zombie's so -called 'directing"…

True enough. Plus, there should be more skin on Loveboat reruns. We can't always get what we want.

I assume bananafish refers to the quasi eponymous story by JD salinger. But seen another way, yes, banana fish may be a wiener.

I honestly believe that conspiracy theories are simply a post modern mythopoeic impulse, a manifestation of a desire to have an overarching explanation for how things work in the face of a society where God is clearly no longer in charge. People want there to be SOMEONE in charge, be it, God, Opus Dei, the

a) agree with above, insofar as Temple of Doom was weakass shit.
b) First and third movies were respecgtively awesome and pretty much OK
c)Who trolls on a geek/hipster thread? I mean, who cares enough?

Hardware was crap. Totally. Juvenile and silly.

I thought you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed.

I miss Gamera.

Ah. the joys of regional advertising.

There is no therapeutic use that I am aware of for human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in human males currently under reproductive health guidelines. If he had a testosterone deficiency (extremely unlikely, but not impossible) they would give him wha the give people who actually have deficiencies of tesosterone get…

My post also is a little incoherent, but I have the escuse of being up all night in a hospital. What's your excuse, o theologically disposed one?

I just read Tarkovsky's post again, a few times actually, and I can safely say that it doesn't really make any sense. Not only does it have fuck all to do with Yummsh's (admittedly abrasive, if you're a Christian who actually believes in God) dismissal of belief in God.

Donald Trump's son
I didnt know he was related to Eric Bana.

As I recall, you get to see much of Winona's 'talent' (albeit through a gauzy dress, backlit) in BRam Stoker's Dracula.

To me, he will always be Vincent the Vegetable Vampire.