The Scarlet Pumpernickel

Inappropriate uses of the word 'pussy': anytime you are trying to describe something medical, especially pus, the noble fluid.

My new hero is Victor Mature. Although those two barely need a lifetime pass—I mean, did you ever see a Chuck Jones cartoon that wasn't at least pretty funny?


Ocean's twelve is no masterpiece. Unless by "masterpiece" you meant "something that made money for all parties involved, and bilked the public at large." Then it is a masterpiece for sure.

Goodnight, bowl full of mush.

First take the vagina to a really nice restaurant. Then be sure to get on one knee to propose—Mullerian duct derivatives love that.

If the plane was on fire when it went down, at least they were having no pain.

That's why I favor " beaten like a red headed mule." Simple, to the point, and almost entirely meaningless in its mixed metaphor.

Dave Matthews Band opening for the Samples at the Orpheum in Boston in 1994—had never heard of them, and they blew the doors off the place. The Samples went on, and had a mystifying visual background involving nature photos such as slugs crawling across leaves, and a very long a whiny. I turned to the girl I was

That IS prety great. And encapsulates the subtle differences between "eccentric" and " gut-splittingly nauseating."

Hey AV club guys, see if this poster is coming from the same ISP address as LadyDisdain. I am sure you have better things to do, but this is trying my patience a little. now if he was offering penis enlargement, at least that would be something…

No, but I will google it shortly, as it seems that folks coming into the ED with early swine flu appear to have abated for now, so I have some time to kill.

Thx—that was actually an entirely unironic post. I've been meaning to watch, just haven't gotten around to it.

Of the conspiracy theories that are out there, the idea that Jews would want to rid the world of everyone who did not eat pork as a matter of religious principle is pretty hilarious. I mean, how do you make things worse for Israel?

Lemme just go find find an ATM…

Flight of the Conchords
I think Mirman is hilarious, but I havent been able to get into FOTC. Should I bother?

Not to be a pain, but isn't she dating Jay-Z?

I give props to a fairly insightful comment by TWFS above. I would like to add, however, that while Obsessed is not inherently shittier than 17 again, those movies play on different types ofg cultural anxieties. Obsessed, I think, plays to the prejudices and fears of African American women to a much greater extent.

INside Man II: Electric Boogaloo?

Life is Beautiful is a terrible fucking movie. I think it's total BS, and I was filled with rage at its popularity. And ROberto Benigni can suck it.