The Scarlet Pumpernickel

I am also a UFC fan, although I don't publicize that fact. One of the things that I think is beter about it is that the actual trauma that the guys undergo is actually much less than boxers—paradoxically, because the punishment they inflcit and suffer is more extreme (not in the Mountain Dew sense a la Harold and

I am starting to find this post slightly unnerving.

Right-Don't forget to call her a pretty pretty princess .

That hanging sox hat is over the line—and the new road uniforms totally suck. The merchandising people really need to settle down.
@PB apparently you haven't been watching them—they actually look really good, Mike Lowell especially. I basically agree about JV though—despite all of the history, and despite his

I just spent about fifteen minutes reading this thread, and I have two thoughts:
1) I don't understand the flaming aspect of intenert discourse. If I can't actually punch someone in the face, which is both therapeutic and effective, I fail to see the point of getting upset by people trying to get personal with me,

The girl who gets heteroerotic asphyxiated is a white prostitute. Rising Sun is nativist claptrap, and the cold hard reality of Japan's impending economic implosion should give everyone who thinks Michael Crichton was good at forecasting technology's future pause.

My favorite Top Ten list of all time has to be " Top ten ways to Mispronounce Newt Gingrich."

Why is Howie Mandel?


Vermin? As a Bostonian, I am mildly offended, but I agree that as sports fans, drivers, and general purveyors of human contact my fellows leave a LOT to be desired.

The two good things about this thread:
1) Many of you guys are pretty funny
2) Hearing about shows on MTV that I have never and will never see makes me feel less like I have wasted my life.

Miyazaki and Japanese Culture
Not to present myself as an expert in things Nipponese, but I read the subext of Spirited Away (and all of Miyazaki's work that I have seen, really, although I confess to only having seen three or four of his films) as anticorporate, a long and lilting lament for what Japanese society

This was a thoughtful and well written enough post that I cant even bring myself to resent the double post. Agree with above.

No additional flameout points for looking like some sort of rodent.

I vote unpublished preteen nude photos taken by her uncle -> drawn out public scandal -> meth addiction -> rehab -> interning for Focus on the Family -> junior Senator (R)-Tennessee

Motion seconded.

I was scared of the Groke, too.

Reanimated Ricky Nelson: back from the grave and ready to party down. And maybe finally pay off his back taxes.

Earliest Scaredest?
Seeing a preview for the Shining at age 6, while watching the Sound of Music at my grandmother's house. I have Scatman Crother's slack jawed gaping burned into my brain to this day.

Sarcasm: C-
Malice: B/B+