
My name is Jeremy (gah, now you know my real name — please don't hurt me!). I was a sophomore when "Jeremy" (the song, not the me) was #1 every day on Dial MTV. Heh, remember that show? Uh, what was I talking about? Yes, I had to hear it sung to me every single day when I "spoke in class." Partly because kids are

How much for an order of commandments?
Eighty dollars.
Eighty dollars? How many commandments do I get with that?
Ahhh, about ten.
So I guess that's about eight dollars a commandment, huh?
Yeeaaa, about.
K, lemme get one.
Right on. One order!
No, no… no, no… one commandment.
One. Commandment…
I sure am hungry.

Jim Croce 4 eva!

What happened to that Lone/Waits guy/gal? Did he become someone else?

I'll defer to you all on this Smoking Popes issue. I only own BORN TO QUIT, and while that record doesn't sound like punk rock to me, maybe their other stuff does.

Wait. Are the Smoking Popes punk now? Jesus, I'm confused.

Started with KILL THE MUSICIANS, then I moved on to MY BRAIN HURTS. I, too, was just the right age for these, but these are both still on my iPod.

If I were you, I'd wear those ribbons on the inside.


Tuck, here is that quote:

You meathead!
I got nothing.

Mad Men Trivia
I watched The Good Samaritan episode recently, and said to myself, "self, that hit and run lady sure looks familiar. She looks like a pre-nosejob Bobbie Barrett."

Enjoy those tacos now, for in 1,000 years they will be illegal… eh Ha Ha Ha. I think we all know why.

Too close, mon!

Couple More
1) Paul Simon (and that Garfunkel guy, but he didn't write it so fuck him) — The Boxer

It's not our fault that you all suck. I say that as a 90 year-old trapped in the body of a Generation X'er.

Adam Carolla
It looks like Adam Carolla misses again, first at CBS, now at NBC. As a semi-regular listener of his podcast, and a fan of The Man Show and The Hammer, I was rooting for him to get his sitcom picked up. Oh well, cry two tears in a bucket, fuckit.

Poophat: that's Hildy.

Re: Peggy's absence from the list,
She just doesn't do it for me. Maybe it was the fat suit or the bangs or her ears, I don't know.

Billy Gibbons, is that you?