
I know! Like the new SuicideGirls redesign! It's terrible!

Comedy is tragedy plus time, minus the tragedy, and minus the time.


Where do I type "first?"

Get the DVDs anyway…
Either from Netflix or just buy them already, you cheap bastard. The commentary tracks by Matt Weiner (on all four seasons) are worth the extra effort/money.

To the stuck: All answers are found in the song Motor Away. (WARNING: the lyrics can be interpreted several ways)

Elliott Smith
This reminds me of Elliott Smith's 2003 performances at the Henry Fonda Theater (I wasn't there, I downloaded them from archive.org). Confused, slurred, forgotten lyrics, false starts. Later that year he was gone.

@indeedy del rapido,
No shit, right? Give Billy Simmons his own site and all of a sudden he thinks he's DFW.

Well, Oblivion had a slider-thing for the difficulty setting, not just the typical 4-level setting (Easy/Medium/Hard/TOTALLYFUCKINGEXTREEEEMEE!). I set it to about 75% and found the game challenging until my character maxed-out. I probably just suck at video games, though.

Dr. Drew meets Dr. K
That's all I got.

You just did what god forbade.

I don't read a lot of comics so I can't compare it to Invincible, but I liked The Mighty.


I like your style, Dude.
Well, I dig your style too, man. Got the whole cowboy thing goin'.

Everybody Hates a Tourist
Now dance and drink and screw, because there's nothing else to do.

I like his book, too. But I am really looking forward to more straightforward episode analysis, rather than history/factoids/remembrances with a little review thrown in.

Submitted for Your Approval…
Tired of watching chopped up episodes in syndication, I purchased The Twilight Zone complete series DVD box set last November. It took a several months, but I watched all 156 episodes, uncut, and in order.

I posted about this episode in a thread above, but I remembered one more thing about it so I'll post it here.


Verily I say to you JVS, there was no gnashing of teeth on breasts. Or touching of breasts. Or looking at breasts. Or touching the mystical brassieres which contained the aforementioned breasts. Mine life was breast-free at every level.