
"The juiciest gazelle is the easiest to catch, it's God's gift to bachelors."
Joan isn't the best looking woman in the world, she's second:


Your Name IS My Name.
I don't care about professional golf.
I don't care about Tiger Woods' penis what he does with it.
I do not own or plan to buy any Nike products.

What's a PlayStation?

Ooh, Ooh! I want to vote, too!

Not really.

Not really. This garbage is PG-13, so no nudity. Therefore, Love Actually wins. Even though it sucks.

J Church "Creep"
An around the way girl I dated back in the day when I was young (I'm not a kid anymore), lent me a few CDs. One of them was J Church's ALTAMONT '99. Well, long story long, that album had one of the finest covers I've ever heard; a version of Radiohead's "Creep" that would melt your soul.

Yes, Mr. Weasel did do a lot of covers, but I think "I Think We're Alone Now" was the edgiest, thus making the most appropriate for this Inventory. The song is super, super fast (less than a minute long) and the lyrics are incomprehensible.

Pop-Punk Covers
Confession: I went through a "pop-punk-phase" in the early mid-90s, and I have to admit that when I saw the topic of this Inventory the first song I thought of was…

I think Forza Motorsport 3 is great.
Does this mean I'm uncool?

Believe me, I love Cannibal!, but it is not a "good" "film." It is a "fucking hilarious" "movie." See the distinction?

Your shtick would be funnier if you didn't use all caps.

Another for Apocalypse's list:
Cannibal! The Musical

After my post, I started to do a little thinking, self examining if you will:

Yeah, I tried to be a nice guy, too. But when the ghouls took over the Tenpenny, that aggression would not stand, man. I reverted to an old save and let them have the what for, I did. Who needed that stupid Ghoul mask, anyway?

Shouldn't this Review be in Sawbuck Gamer?
Jesus Christ, get your shit together!

The Denver Broncos?

So you're no longer listing the running time
In lieu of the Writer, Producer, and Distributor? Well, I guess that's your business. Carry on.

I, too, seem to actively avoid new music (see avatar). I usually "discover" one band a year (for example, 2008 was Guided By Voices).