
The US/Canada version of Fahrenheit (renamed Indigo Prophecy) had the sexing removed. So after playing some sweet, sexytime gee-tar for your special ladyfriend, you don't get to actively control the humping and/or pumping. You just get to watch, just like you get to watch her die later in the game. Why do I know

I know, right? No A-plusses, no F-minuses. Thems the rules, AV Club. You said so yourself.

He's also named the Sports Guy, and writes a column named Sports Column… he must be a popular dude.

No, stupid. This:

For this and future entries in the best of the '00s, are these ranked or are they just listed? Apologies if you've already explained this.

Incidentally, in the original movie Forrest Gump, "UHH" was used as an onomatopoeia sound for Sally Fields keeping Forrest in the regular school by making sweet love to the principal.

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Dylan Comic
I was hoping you would review the comic "inspired" by the music of Bob Dylan. Anyone read that?

We have reached the limits of what rectal probing can teach us.

The MUST HAVE Christmas gift for '15? HOVER BOARDS!

Now who's the dummy?

*definitely* me no spel gud. But while I'm here, one more…
"You know, I thought you were Richard Pryor."

Not the best, but definatly quotable, so…. begin!
"That's exactly what Attila the Hun said, but when he saw his mudda, Niagara Falls."

Don't Blame Me, I Voted for Kodos.
I can really see this as the pioneering film in the science-fiction/horror docu-fiction genre, I really can.

Disney's A Christmas Carol
Was with a duck. Not this bullshit.

I like Bill Simmons.

Best Part
They got on the drug topic and they just had some random guy identified as "DC Native" talk about how prevalent drugs were at the time. Who was that guy? Did they just grab him off the streets?

I love Wilbon and PTI, but that comparison was rigoddamndiculous. I think he was trying to apply a generational milestone to his Bias' death, but let not lose our fucking minds here, especially since the Challenger blew up the same year.

Are you Brian Kenny?

That's what this 30 for 30 was missing, the Sports Guy ( …no, seriously). I kept waiting for an appearance from Simmons that never happened. What the fuck, Bill?