
Don't forget, Ali was banned from boxing for four years. So, he was more like a spry 34.

Now, who's the dummy?
mmph, mmmph mm dummy?

What are you, the narrator?

1. Dylan
2. Dylan
3. Dylan
4. Dylan

Will somebody PLEASE think of the children?!

*because* (stupid fingers)

Terminator X could teach debate.

Crying when you win = OK
Crying when you lose = not OK (that's why you're given locker rooms, go cry in there)

techno : music :: racecar driving : sports


Thanks A.V.Club
This has been a super goddamn week at the ol' A.V.Club, with all the comics-related junk and whatnot. So sincerely - Thank you.

"I have someone here who can help."
"Is it Batman?"
"No, it's a scientist"
"Batman's a scientist"

I would also like to say thank you (especially for all the Batman coverage). I, too, mostly read the superhero crap, so I really enjoyed this Comics Panel.

I have nothing to add, but that girl has half her boobie hanging out.

I'm too old for this shit.

The reason I asked is because the last paragraph in the review makes me want to see it, but the picture (hey Krasinski — nice beard, asshole) gives me pause. Maybe rather than watching this with the sound off, the best thing to do is watch blindfolded, so you don't have to see just how wonderfully quirky their

Dropping Fall '09
As a parent-to-be, should the wife and I see this? Anything worthwhile, or is it just a Juno-like quirkfest?

I really wish I could delete my original comment (I am very grumpy before I've had my coffee; now post-caffeine I am remorseful). It is pointless to complain about what this site has become. So now I'm the asshole in the bar, I'm the asshole. And the AV Club all grows up, dig that, they're all grows up.

The best thing about this book
No comments from the asshole readers of this site.

Completely unrelated, but this post made me think: "Nobody cry when Jaw die. Nobody cry when Jaw die. When my Kong die, everybody cry!"