
Hey, this AV Club Auto-Recycler-O-Matic thing is great for revisting my old posts. And I still can't fucking believe that Morrissey isn't on this list.

Cannibal! The Musical — Cult Status Pending
I don't think this would qualify as a film in the New Cult Cannon, but the DVD commentary on Cannibal! The Musical is the best commentary track I have ever heard. If there isn't a cult following for it, there should be.

Them's fightin' words!

I am naming my son Henry.

It is good.

I am almost ashamed to admit that I liked it. I went in knowing nothing about the comic and with VERY low expectations, but I really enjoyed the campiness of the whole thing. Scarlett Johansson kind of summarizes the whole thing at the end (not really a spoiler) by saying (and I'm paraphrasing here) that the movie

I am reading Kingdom Come right now, and the fucking art is fucking incredible. I would highly recommend it for that alone.

Couple of Things
Some of the other posters touched in this, but I am surprised this review didn't say anything about the Casino (it being a story that stretched back to Season 2, and since it is not fully resolved will definitely be a big part of Season 4). It appears that Bill (for once) outfoxed someone — Bill's

Kyle, that WAS the greatest day in radio ever because after the butt sex story Adam and Norm broke down Kenny Roger's "Ruby" and "Coward of the County". Still on my iPod, listen to it about once a month, and it gets funnier every time I listen to it.

Recommendations for MYOF
Bicentennial Man
Aeon Flux

Wasn't that reversed?

I had that cassette single. If I still had it I would give it to you.

Missing Digital
The Ronettes
The Left Banke

Thanks for the reply, udjibbom. I am buying all the Morrison I can afford because I was so impressed by his recent run on Batman. I have already purchased and read All Star Superman, Arkham Asylum, and Batman: Gothic. I am sure I will also be blown away by Animal Man as I have heard only good things about it.

This thread is probably dead, but I'll post anyway.

I started to doubt myself, so I had to check the kiss-kiss or no-kiss-kiss conspiracy on the On Demand. Upon further review here is the final ruling — while it only shows Heather and Frankie cuddling, we get this piece of dialogue:

I don't have the Season 2 DVDs and I can't visit most sites that would contain this information because I am at work, so this is from memory…

I agree that it was well established in Season 2 that Heather has feelings (read: SSA) for Sarah, but the thing that got me confused was this: weren't Heather and Frankie kissing after the prom two episodes ago?

Batman: Year One
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns

I call this "What Ever Happened to the Battle for the Cowl of the Caped Crusader Blues"
I loved the first part of "What Ever Happened to…" and like everyone here I cannot wait to see how it ends (but what the fuck DC? Why make us wait 2+ months between Detective issues. I want Part 2 to this story now goddamnit!).