
Strong men also cry….

I saw Morrissey live and it made me cry it was so good (more tears welling up than streaming down my face, but you get the idea). I just couldn't help it; before the last song he asked the audience not to forget him, I got choked up. So I'm a pussy, so what?

Reunited and it Feels So Good
Truthfully, The Smiths would be my number one choice for this list, but since they have been taken by Rabin, I'll just settle for The Jam. But like Morrissey/Marr, Weller will never let this imaginary reunion happen.

Re: the joy of the cassette tape era,

On a somewhat related digression: I remember the first time I was ever really disillusioned by music was when I witnessed Mr. Hammer win a Grammy (or maybe it was an AMA) and he and his baggy-pants posse all took timeout for a Diet Pepsi break at the podium. Oh MC, thou wast cursed by thine own hubris.

Charade You Are!
U Can't Touch This was never released as a cassette single (I know because as a broke 13-year old with REALLY bad taste in music, I searched high and low for one). Furthermore, there is way too much "tape" in that cassette to be a single; it has to be at least a 60 minute tape (but probably a 90).

I have not read #7 yet (going after work today to purchase), but I too expected to see something on FC. Maybe in two weeks, or whenever the next comics panel is supposed to post.

Paris wouldn't Forget About You
How could we overlook the instaclassic that was Paris' "Bush Killa"?

Re: "posting in the dark," it's what Scotteb said. I have an old version of IE at work, so I cannot see a new comment while typing.


This post will have a dual purpose
I am partly posting to express my glee that the release date will hold, and partly testing the "posting in the dark" method. Here goes…

I also cannot post my own comments and work for a company that I could never convince to upgrade to a newer IE. My question is: is there anything the AV Club can do to ease our pain?