I hope everyone in this awful thread gets hit by a smooth criminal.
Disqus is stupid. Discuss.
Second season Catastrophe is even better than the first, in my opinion. It goes to some dark places, but pulls it off. Definitely worth seeking out by whatever means necessary.
Yeah, I'd say best actor is either Rylance in Wolf Hall or Oscar Isaac in Show Me a Hero. If it's just best performance irrespective of gender, I might just put Aya Cash in You're the Worst at the top of the pack though. All three are great performances.
Holy geez. I just looked over my TV hard drive and I watch WAY too much television. A quick ranking of every 2015 show I've viewed:
"Little Big League" is now a band name? Were "Angels in the Outfield" or "The Rolling Stones" already taken by other bands?
Saturday Night Fever
Replaying Skyrim myself and focusing on conjuration magic for the first time. Bound bow is my new favorite spell.
The fact that you have to ask if you watched porn tells me you're not ready for Pop Pop in the attic.
I just wish they'd never stopped making C-3PO's cereal.
Waxing a nerf herder sounds dangerous.
Thanks for reading!!
Thanks for reading!
Duck Tales is one of my favorite Nintendo games.
Thanks for reading!
Thanks for reading!
I'm spending Thanksgiving with King Shit and the Golden Boys.
Thanks for reading!