
This shtick annoys the shit out of me. I haven't read a BSC book in 20+ years, but I don't remember Claudia being a functional retard in them. Just write like a normal human being please.

Only 80 comments after two days? Our long national nightmare of giving a shit about Steven Avery must be over.

Dutch Netflix sounds like something from Urban Dictionary.

SNP probably didn't recognize C-3P0 because of his red arm.

I've, um, heard she's much more interesting in her leaked iPhone videos.

I always thought Tenpole Tudor killed Bambi.

What would we do, baby, without your proofreading skills?

I couldn't agree more.

I stopped watching Dexter when I realized I was rooting for him to kill every single other character on the show. He was the lone peanut in that gigantic shit sandwich of a show.

Is there any kids show today that would dare to name the fat kid "Donkey Lips"?

I think that was a Norman Rockwall painting.

Go cry in your stride mother's lap, you big baby.

I remember that when I first read "Helter Skelter" in my early teens that I was very impressed with the fact that Rusty, Judge Wapner's longtime TV sidekick/bailiff, was actually the bailiff during the Charles Manson trials. Nothing fake about Rusty.

Nice to see you, Leonard Pierce!

I agree with everything said above except the ALL CAPS.

Would have been great to see John Candy as Ignatius Reilly.

Maybe if you're just like my mother, but then again she's never satisfied.

Mentioning his grandfather's old navy-related venereal disease three times in one comment is just rubbing it in.

"So wop on your feet! Somewhere there's music playing!"

That's why they've used it at least ten times now.