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    Let's just say I would have at least given it a shot if I could have found it.

    Did not read it
    Not interested.
    Could not find it.
    Do not want to read a book on my computer.
    Looking forward to Little, Big.
    See you then.

    I know no one is still following this thread but I will add that Elantris was awful. It was written for tweens who read at a zero grade level. I am a fan of the genre but I cannot take anymore brainless additions to the fantasy canon.
    Martin cannot finish his next book soon enough.

    I noted that Modell reviewed this movie after Phipps swung and missed by a lot on The Hangover. I bet he is banned from comedy reviews.
    I assume I will feel the same way about this movie as the review so it goes on Netflix unless it is shown on Starz in which case it will earn a delete.

    He is Machinist skinny.

    I was so inspired by Blood Meridian that I started reading Moby Dick for the first time. In the hopes of killing two birds with one stone, I prayed that it would be the next selection for WiB's despit being written over 100 years before the cut-off date. Ah, well. Hopefully, short and pulpy can be fit in around long

    Hey, when will we see the Bloom interview? Good thing he is not the type to read the comments sections afterward…

    Does anyone know if this movie with the worldwide box office included is a success?
    I think such a lifeless, witless extravaganza deserves to implode but …

    Carvey is actually 54 years old
    I had to check on IMDB because he is so unfunny I could not tell if he was joking. I always thought of him as an over the top performer who was writer dependent. I was surprised the Smigel called him a "great writer."

    I hope they ask him what he thinks of Twilight.

    How about Dick Cheney as the Judge because I think the unspeakable act commited by the Judge in the jakes was waterboarding.
    I made a similar joke before but I do not think anyone saw it.
    So I am making it again because I never sleep and I will never die. And I will keep making my Dick Cheney joke because I never sleep

    Harold Bloom
    I think it is great you got him to discuss the book because I know he loves it but I bet he would hate this website if he has heard of it. I saw an opinion piece by him from the Boston Globe (RIP) online where he talks up BM and simultaneously trashes Stephen King and Harry Potter. I believe his opinion

    I am having the same problem with the tool box blocking the chat.

    Hmm. I need to meditate on your response that the J speaks for McC but is not condoned by him.
    Yes, I felt that the only alternative to the Judge was to go read another book. That is why I answered in the affirmative to Pierce's question whether the J triumphed in the end.
    Perhaps the next selection for WiB

    I am way late but I have to post because the perfect person to play the Judge is Dick Cheney. They both share a love of the use of force.

    I just wrote a post that all of the Kid's merciful acts are futile. So, yes, for what it is worth I agree.

    @ Last Beer
    I am surprised you liked this book at all because everything in it repudiates what you say in your second long paragraph. All the Judge talks about is creating the world and everyone who argues against him is stupid or now dead. Winners write the history.
    Please do not take this comment to mean I like the

    Your comments have given me the most to think about. I really did feel like it was an anti-bible and given that the book has such a violent and horrifying view of humanity and the world, it raises a question in my mind:
    Is Cormac McCarthy a raving lunatic?
    I mean if he wrote this book in the 16th century he

    Figuring out the kid is as difficult as the Judge. The lack of any statements about his thoughts and feelings make him impossible to understand except as a means of explaining the book's outlook.
    The most important statements about the kid come in the beginning that he is violent, illiterate, and his "eyes oddly

    I think I Aint Pissed… has got the Blood Meridian part right. It must signify where the Frontier starts and that is bloooody.
    As for the Evening Redness, well, aside from what we said about its possible meaning, I still wonder why there is a second title.