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    One day before I die I will read Dahlgren regardless of how little I enjoyed all my previous attempts. This I vow.
    Right now I am reading Crying of Lot 49 which is kind of like unenjoyable sci-fi.

    Belated question
    So, by the end of these two episodes, I am wondering what is the current edge of the imprinting technology. Didn't Bennet remotely upload the "puppies" identity to Perrin? Couldn't they do the same to Echo (to bring her home) or Alpha (to pacify him). Did they remotely upload Perrin's new memories

    Pirate WUIB's for December
    Okay, everybody, meet back here on December 22 for comments on Mr. Ives' Christmas by Oscar Hijuelos. I don't need the AV Club staff to tell me whether I can have a WuIB's in December or not.

    Forgive my long post
    My problem with this book, besides the middle being a bit of a slog, is that Muldrow loses his humanity and sanity bit by bit throughout his journey until he reaches Hokkaido and becomes…what?

    Roy G Biv is a colorful man who proudly stands at the rainbow's end
    How about Hugh Grant in About a Boy?
    Ha-ha, I love Hugh Grant and I am a married hetero man. I could give a damn about what anyone on this site thinks because Hugh and I have something special.
    PS I will regret this post in the morning.

    The only thing that reminded me of Blood Meridian was the ritual killing of a bear near the end of the book. Muldrow is shot to death at the end while Judge Holden dances in victory (he never sleeps and he cannot die.)

    Cormac McCarthy must be a wacko
    I liked the book but if it was meant to be an expression of love for his son, well, taking him to Six-Flags would be a lot less disturbing. Having said that, I have not been to Six-Flags in nine years so I cannot say how disturbing it is as a them park.
    PS I need to get Jerry Seinfeld's

    The review does not make it sound very good. Having said that, Scott makes it seem worth seeing.

    I know this was bad but the final two shows did hook me just enough to wonder:
    What happened to Lucy in the real world?
    Why did 6 suddenly reverse course to run the Village as the new 2 (or 1)?
    Even if 313 was completely cuckoo bananas in real life, would that really change his mind on the Village method of

    Wait, do you mean the kook who is always pregant and beats to death the un-catchiest catch phrases in the long history of German-accented American TV speakers?
    1. Hogaaan!
    2. ?
    3. …next day, you're out!

    Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
    As usual, I am late to the comments but has no one mentioned this show (my find on this page indicates no)? I thought it was hysterical for a season and a half before it became dull and repetitious. If anyone is still reading these comments, you cannot deny that briefly it was the

    But beside all that, it was pretty good, right?
    If you had picked the halloween selection, what would it have been? I found this book was a long slog for few scares.

    Did anyone see the promo with a bookstore employee punching a cardboard cut-out of Liz in the store window right in front of her? Was that in tonight's show? If it is from a future epsiode, why use it now? Why?

    Wild Things
    How old does a child need to be to enjoy this movie? Is five-years old the minimum? Someone please tell me that five is the cut-off. I really want to go to this when it opens, and it would be creepy if I went without my kid.

    More David Wallace!
    He is the best straight man in sit-coms today. Any episode he is in will be a good one.

    Nothing about Spy magazine?
    You ask Kurt Andersen a Donald Trump question and don't mention one of AV Club's obvious influences?
    That is a preternatural omission.

    I use Explorer. Does anyone else use Explorer and have this problem? It is a small thing but I actually now skip Stray observations of more than one line.

    Promising show
    But all I really want to say is how irritating it is that the bullets in the Stray Observations of the TV Club posts always line up with the LAST line of the bullet points. It has been driving me crazy and I have had it. I am calling the cops to the AV Club main offices on a charge of formattic

    Uhm, isn't the AV Club headquartered in Middle America?

    I never understood why he grew tired of January Jones. Yikes! Now that is an anglo-saxon protestant movement I can get behind!