Father Ubu

In that book "…And Here's The Kicker", Paul Feig outlined some of the stuff he wanted to have happen in F&G season 2. It actually made me angry that it would never come to be.

Makin' movies!
Makin' songs!
Fightin' round the world!

Wanna see me shotgun this?!

Almost too many highlights to count in this episode
"What dimension are WE in?!"

Phoenix sucked, it was a two and a half hour trailer. No continuity, no character development. Prisoner of Azkaban was the best film, by far.

Of course teachers hate that movie, since it portrays teachers unions and tenure in a pretty convincingly negative light.

I hate that Newcastle guy! He thinks he's so neat!


A doggedly optimistic boner.

As a former card carrying member of the Creepy High School Weirdos Who Have Crushes on Madeline Kahn Club, I agree wholeheartedly.

Yeah but that also entails seeing a film written and directed by Paul Haggis, so…no. Sorry.

Remember to Believe in Magic
…or I'll kill you!

Let us not forget that she was carrying deadly weapons and trying to jump Jean Reno's bones when she was like, 12. She was never a good girl.

An angry lesbian?! Well NOW I've seen EVERYTHING!

I guess they could've given him a cool alien lazer gun or something? Yeah I dunno I feel like no matter what you give him, it's gonna be a bit on the goofy side.

I agree with PG, he seemed baked out of his gord on Conan last night. Also this movie looks surprisingly awesome.

It's a…
…HIGH concept comedy! Get it?! Get it?! HIGH concept?!

Even after you posting on every thread, I'm really not getting a handle on your opinion on Bruce, dude. Try being a little more forthcoming with your true feelings.

But who will play Tom?
I'd like to see Daniel Day-Lewis in that role, although he's probably entirely too old.

I think out of all the names up there, Mulligan is the most talented one of the bunch, so I'm glad he went with her (although I have to admit that Blake Lively's performance in "The Town" really impressed me, but being a cracked-out stripper in a Ben Affleck movie does not a good Daisy Buchanan make)