Father Ubu

@ Fast Zombie: Yaaaaay for The Decline and Fall of Heavenly! Let's be best friends!

Walla Walla, Washington!

Not to mention, PJ Harvey has continued to release great records since her 90's heyday ("Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea", anyone?). Liz Phair, not so much.

The Pumpkins were everything my wimpy, angry 13 year old self desired from a band. They had loud and intricate guitar work, but their musical beefiness was belied by those sensitive, lovelorn lyrics. I find it painful and embarrassing to admit out loud to anyone these days, given how much of a douche Corgan has

But see, when he made the film, in 1997, Saw-type torture porn had yet to overtake the market the way it did in the aughts. His comment seems to be more directed towards your typical Hollywood shoot-em-up action film. I think that, at the end of the day, the ultimate message of the film is, "Violence is violence". Is

Good call on Andrei Rublev. No filmmaker drew parallels between art and faith in more compelling and humane ways than Tarkovsky.

I think he just saw American Movie and was like, "You know what this needs? Sodomy!"

I'm starting to become really distracted by what an unlikable character he is. They haven't given him a single positive character trait. Honestly it just takes me out of the show sometimes. What law firm would employ someone like that, let alone be their friend and willingly hang out with them? All the other

He has some sort of office job.

Watching Domino is probably the closest I'll ever come to knowing what it's like to have a cocaine-induced seizure.

I've only seen Bloodrayne, but I would definitely put that one under the "so bad it's good" column.

This sounds like something that a 15 year old girl who collects miniature plastic horses and still wears sweatshirts with Disney Princesses on them would come up with after accidentally eating a pot brownie. In other words, a piece of shit.

How Does This Guy
Find the time to make so many movies?!

Please, that haircut never went out of style!

I drank an entire bottle of Inver's (Envers?) House Scotch (bought for a whopping 8 dollars!) one night. Apparently I threw up four times in four different locations (none of which I remember being at). The last thing I remember is the girl I was dating at the time blowing me while I recounted the history of the

Hangover 2: Coffee Doesn't Actually Help, You Know.

Val Kilmer

Nobody WANTS to salt the snail! But she leaves you with no choice!

This has definitely been the best season since season 3. I'm really glad they got it together after the first two episodes and just gave The Gang simple plot lines to run amok with. This may have been the best episode of the season thus far.

Dookiestain, you're lucky you never had a Teddy Ruxpin. I had one when I was a kid, and I swear those things are fucking possessed by Satan. Hands down the scariest toy I ever owned, no contest.