Father Ubu

Don't holster them…DON'T holster them.

Now the only thing I use a football for…is a toilet.

I thought Slattery was great in this episode (especially his couch cushion fort), it was nice to see him do a complete 180 from Roger Sterling. But I have to agree with Leonard that the political stuff felt a bit stale. It's 2010 and we're still making Halliburton jokes? Really?

Favorite Ken quote: "Kurt's a homo."

"I very quickly sold Sparkle to a farm, where he'll be happier."

Honky Wizard Be Trippin'!

Now I have to send you to hell!

Sorry, by Mel Gibson

Smithers, have the Rolling Stones killed!

Gentlemen! To evil!

Dammit, when will they make a show about an Amateur Mom?!

One time while on a family vacation in Vermont, we ate at a restaurant that was owned by the Von Trapp family. The food was crap.

I'd like to think that after taking on the starring role in the direct-to-DVD sequel to "Daddy Day Care", the only direction left to go is up, just by default.

Maybe Cuba wouldn't be so overbearing
If we just called them every once in awhile! And for the love of Pete, stop forgetting Venezuela's birthday!

Leave it to this guy
To make Lawrence Fishburn's daughter seem classy by comparison.

Wonder what knee-slapping humor Blue Jay Leno can wring out of this situation…

I think Wes just wanted his own personal Doppelganger to have around all the time.

"Channing Tatum" sounds like a spell you'd cast in D&D.

The American Public, as always!

And he nearly killed his poor brother.