Father Ubu

Did I really just read a whole thread of pretty much nothing but Leon Redbone jokes?

The aliens…abused him. Sexually.

It's all expected, this film is for the looking, if you've got the money, then Michael Rapaport's film about Quest is for the booking.

The twist is, she's played by Tyne Daly.

If you would not want to see that film again, I would understaaaaaayaaaaayaaaand.

Do you wanna know how I got these cancerAIDS?

Killer Croc!

Poison Ivy as an eco-terrorist actually sounds kind of awesome. Nolan did, after all, pretty much turn the Joker into a, um, terrorist-terrorist.

I heard they're just going to release an alternate version of Batman and Robin with all the ice-related puns removed.

They're friends of mine, actually. I've kind of fallen out of touch with them a bit since I moved out of Philly, but yeah, super friendly nice people who make very enjoyable music. They're not reinventing the wheel or anything, but if you like The Jesus and Mary Chain and The Urinals and any other loud, noisy pop band

You All Need To Relax
With this "Oscar Bait" stuff. Believe it or not, some people make films because they think that there is an interesting and/or compelling story to be told, not because they're as seemingly transfixed on the Oscars as some of you fucking nerds are. I'm sure the people who made this film are

There's also a documentary about them making the festival rounds. I haven't seen it, but if it's anywhere near as good as Demonstration Tapes, I'll certainly be checking it out.

Yeah, it's gonna be mostly clothes this year for me. A new pair of corduroys. Some new Vans, perhaps? It's gonna be the most practically stylish Christmas ever!

I always ask for a shitload of Criterion films, Elitist. Added all up, they're so expensive that I usually end up getting 2 or 3, and then the rest get recycled for next year's wish list. I think I've been asking for Berlin Alexanderplatz since high school. This year I'm gonna add Eric Rohmer's Six Moral Tales box set

Man, I can just imagine all the web slinging as money shot jokes that are gonna be on hand in that one.

And honestly, judging from the trailer, I was ready to let this one off the hook as just another movie with two assholes I don't care about falling in luuuurve, whoopdie fucking doo, until they had to go and introduce the most tired cliche of all time…AND ALSO SHE'S DYING. That's when it passed into the realm of

And the countdown to teadoust showing up to defend Katherine Heigel's honor begins…NOW!

As a chubby, unshaven guy myself, I can confirm that I never get to see attractive, naked women unless they're currently fucking my more successful, more attractive roommate. Them's just the brakes, I guess.

Wait, what's a Scottish post-rock band doing in a Michael Mann film about Native Americans?

My science teacher in junior high was half Cherokee. She yelled a lot.