
Yesterday, one of their new songs came on the radio while I was in the car with my family. I changed the channel, and everyone freaked out a bit, to which I responded "Guys, nobody likes Jane's Addiction. Not even the guys in Jane's Addiction like Jane's Addiction."

No problem. It is your right as a citizen of this board to snark to your hearts content.

If the responsibility becomes demonizing others due to their beliefs, lifestyle, or simply who they are, than yes.

Gerard Butler is a fucking shitty actor. He is a meat prop with a neck beard and no talent. That is all.

I enjoy a good bit of Mormonism-bashing myself, but when you hear phrases like "eleven wives" and "underage whore bordello" thrown around, I can't help but feel like maybe, just maybe, the rest of us non-mormies are just the tiniest bit jealous. Anyone else?

I've been wondering: who exactly is the very enthusiastic gentleman shouting the title over and over? Like, does he at least have something to do with the movie, or did they just find him outside of the production office, waiving his cock at traffic?

Or the whole man in the closet / rapping kid thing in Magnolia.

No, but he used to look better. AND WHERE ARE HIS CARGO SHORTS?

That's nice. It's nice when famous people aren't huge dicks.

Yes, he's definitely more gray than before, but he also kind of looks like he's… I dunno… expanding. Not getting fat or anything, just pulling an Elvis Costello and becoming dense and puffy.

How many 47-year-old men do you know that are getting with a hot successful actress like Amber Tamblyn?

Wow. He really looks worse for wear in that picture. Jeez, I thought getting oodles of young pussy was supposed to keep you healthy and vibrant!


They were the makings of a bomb (bang bang, bang bang)…

Just saw this last night actually. Fell asleep during the ape rampage, but woke up right at the end. Could somebody explain to be why Franco just stands there and smiles at the Caesar like a moron at the end? Also, could you also explain why I saw this instead of Fright Night?

The day I'm able to shoot Ben Affleck in the face without leaving the comfort of my own home is the day I stop leaving the comfort of my own home.

I think he does. Just less artsy, more action-packed shits. His shits are still entertaining, but in a different (non-shitty) way. Shit. Shitty shit.

So… You liked it?

The Decemberists finally get their shot at Undercover! Fantastic!

@Danny Husk - That sounds like hipster speak! Someone fetch me a live wire and a petri dish for this fucker's blood!