
Not only did I think the fading of the parents into the background a problem, it seems somewhat contrary to the personality of Papa Binewski. I also thought the twins rather demure deferrence to Arty semed out of character to the twins who pages earlier almost threw Arty down the rollercoaster.

I honestly don't understand all the hate for Transformers. It's based on a cartoon about robots from outerspace that turned into cars and jets. Is ther any way that's not going to be a silly movie based around explosions and loud noises?

Definition of hipster douchebag is not liking a band largely due to your disdain of what you view as their fanbase.

You gotta stick with it - very character driven. I just watched it for the first time this last winter (after hearing about it for a couple years up in here), and it took me a good half of the run before I really started to enjoy it.

I'm a sucker for the sports movies - Hoosiers gets me every time.

Just saw a beauty - Grave of the Fireflies. That one got me.

Yes! If the fact that you can play them - "at 13, I believe, then moved on to more complex stuff" - has no reference at all to that person as an artist, why the hell are we talking about it?

Amen - therein lies the epic difference.

Arguing that someone's skill is based on how hard it is to mimic it makes you an idiot. Cobain had some of the simplest riffs of his time - he wasn't a legend because he played them, he's a legend because he wrote them.

If I still did drugs, this movie would probably be my entire weekend.

Not sure I want my carbonated beverage to taste like a douche.

Crystal Pepsi, now that was fuckawful.

Pepsi Natural doesn't come in Turkey & Gravy flavor. So that's different.

What is more delicious than a Cheeto?
A Cheeto the the size of your head. God bless America.

This was Hendrix -I once proclaimed Fritos to be the pinnacle of us as a society, and that at the invention of the Frito, we had nowhere to go but down. I took it back in the morning.

Don't forget the Stones classic "I'll never be your pizza burn-ing"

ZMF ftw.

The difference is that Eddie Izzard has jokes.

Really wanted to like his standup but meh. Kinda like a British Dane Cook - light on the jokes, way heavy on the delivery.

No love for Johnny Mnemonic? First movie I ever walked out of.