
No love for Throg, wielder of the mighty hammer Frogjolnir?

X-Men might epitomize "alright" more than any film I've seen in awhile.

My wifey was there - huge Greensky fan. I stayed home with the kids because I'm the husband she needs, not the husband she deserves. And because I have a 3 day weekend with the boys to see Thrice in Chicago in a couple weeks so it was my turn to take the hit.
I make a point to hit a lot of breweries when I travel,

Pretty much agree with everything you wrote, which is why I used the word interesting. Maron seemed genuinely interested in him as a story and as a person, but obviously had problems taking him seriously as a guy with a guitar and easel and it bled through. Whether or not it was "unnecessary", it was honest, and that

Forgot about that one - that was a beauty.

I always thought the Dmitri Martin was a great example of what made the podcast so interesting.  Great interview mixed in with plently of "man you treated me like an asshole" stories mixed in.

I was back and forth a bit on it too, right up to the end where he tried to push his upcoming, potentially 2 hour Comedy Central special, as something transcending what anyone else dared talk about, touching on such controversial ripped from the headline topics as the AZ immigrant laws and gays in the military.

I believe that would have the potential to reach a "Mac and Me" level of unwatchability.

Holy shit do I hate Love Shack. I hate it so much that if it comes on the radio instead of switching the station I'll turn it up and revel in hating it all over again.

I had a jack-shake once, but I think it was just sperm and ice-cream.

I was not aware that "pudding" was a taste.

I think that was a failed firstie, but it seems appropriate to just let it slide.

I would've guessed more logging songs.

I can't believe this is even a discussion. Zepplin kicks ass. Or to use Warren's argumentative syle, Zepplin CLEARLY kicks ass.

Agreed - Flagpole Sitta still a great song.

Been sitting on that for awhile, have ya? I imagine the complete Sportcenter DVD set would keep you busy for awhile.

I now need to pull out all my Sleater Kinney CDs - been quite a while.

Holy shit there Warren - took that one a bit close to the heart. I managed bands for a long time, and that seemed an almost universal opinion. I don't believe Guitar Hero is treated as musical expression any more than excellence at playing Madden is treated as actual athletic ability. Most people view it as a video

I don't understand the issue people who play the guitar FOR REAL have for Guitar Hero. It's like it's insulting that their finely honed skill of playing three chord progressions and bad Elvis Costello covers can so easily be replicated on an XBox.

I don't understand the attraction of organized sports and jog on my lunchbreak!