Carefully Chosen ID

Man of Steel: Crystal Skull Fucking Batman

The show continues to have clever and even funny dialog but it has lost that special spark that made it worth my attention. I think it's gotten too comfortable with its absurd premise - just taking it for granted - and this results in a failure to take advantage of the original idea that was its most potent source of

Jealous much?

Dick nose?! You really wanna save that stuff for Dikachu.

Chelsea is sort of a female Howard Stern, but in a condensed, diluted form. Chelsea has little patience for hacky, corny, cliche, schlocky jokes, and she doesn't hesitate to express her contempt for that sort of lazy, stupid humor. She wants people to be real, to be honest, and most of all to not be full of

Allow me to break it down for you. Most people who have no patience for Miss Silverman's crude, offensive, racist jokes are often devoid of that essential attribute more commonly known as intelligence. It requires a reasonable level of wits to appreciate that Sarah's humor often springs from our awareness that she,

I do enjoy imagining Batman's adult diaper getting heavy and swollen with his copious and acrid bat urine.

Obama: The Other Black Knight Meat

I'd like to believe that that's exactly how Snyder pitched the movie to the studio suits.

Too much?!! But that's unpossible!

White is the new Black. In fact, White is the new Rainbow.

The Unambiguously Gay Duo: What, You Didn't Know?!

This wins the award for "Most Pointless Injection of Irrelevant and Offensive (Night Ranger?!!) Subject Matter."

Because bats squeak, right?! Or because this whole thread is creaking under the tremendous weight of all these horrible, terrible puns?

Can we please get back to the part about the girls fingering themselves, for like another 3 or 4 minutes?

Men of Steel Magnolias: Guaranteed To Drive You Bat Shit Crazy

*Looks up at 30 story tall Superman/Batman film poster on side of building*

Superman does Batman: Hero On Hero Action, #69

Why is everyone making so many homoerotic sexual innuendos?

Uh, when are you not disheveled with your fly unzipped?!