Victoria Waterfield

These pun threads would be a lot better if people didn't work blue.

It's a surefire hit! Look how well those Atlas Shrugged movies did!

I've been trying to finish my rewatch of Seasons 1-6 in time for the new episodes, and I have to say, Season 6 may be worth it just for Nick Offerman as Jackson's brother Beau hitting on Lorelai.

I think he's talking about people who discriminate against that one season of Community.

All right SHOP


Does it also come with a guy who yells "NEEEEEEEERD" at you whenever you drive past?

It's like poetry, it rhymes.

>an amusing enough appearance by Sting.

What if Sliders still on tv today?

Beta beta males, y'all.

Don't forget Chachi and The Nuge!

Nine thousand dollarydoos? Can't he just get the boot instead?

I, uh, see what you're going for there.

I've yet to read it myself, but you might want to try Last and First Men by Olaf Stapledon. It "describes the history of humanity from the present onwards across two billion years and eighteen distinct human species, of which our own is the first." Then after that, you could read Stapledon's Star Maker, which is a

Darmok in Jalad at Tanagra

No, she's dead.

Now we play the waiting game!


Never change, mbs.