Victoria Waterfield

The Grand Mac is the McDonald's menu item that's likeliest to give you a seizure.

Remember Table Service???

Yeah, fuck the writers for making Dr. Zaius the answer to a $2000 clue, and fuck the contestants for making it a triple-stumper.

And how does Sting fit into this scenario?

I bet Putin'll find himself Under Siege 2!

I've had lots of jobs in my day. Whale hunter, seal clubber, president of the FOX Network, and, like most people, yeah, I've dealt a little ivory.

Traffic are WAY better than Status Quo, though. That isn't even an argument.

That at least would have been a reasonable mistake, as it only requires you to be off on when Bulgaria joined NATO by five years, and forget about Belgium.

Eggplants out for Harambe

The Celebrated Cucking Frog of Calaveras County

This pun thread is OVER, man!

My theory is that this dumbass doesn't get how bootlegs work.

I'm curious about that and the 27-minute version of "Helter Skelter", but that's about it.

It was the first pop song to be broadcast live worldwide, via satellite. Satellites are in space. So, there's that.

*repeatedly yet ineffectually tries to click "Show Less" in that last screenshot*

What is the sound of one hand groping?

Yes, but you just get horny again an hour later.

Dude, you've got to end it on the rhyme.

The Mexican lifestyle, though colorful, is spiced with the eternal condiment of SIN.