Victoria Waterfield

You know, Fox turned into a hardcore conflagration so gradually, I didn't even notice.

Yo, check it out: Christians drive a chariot like THIS

Tell Me That It Isn't True!

♪ Han and Lando in the moooorning! ♪

Well, that is how I felt when a "friend" of mine suggested it on Facebook. I'm just paying it forward.

There is no God but Josh, and Jonah Hill is his prophet.

I find it helps to imagine an Americanised version, with Seth Rogen as Jeeves and James Franco as Bertie.

Was her hair perfect?

That's "young eyes". "Eyes of the young" would be "Oczy młodych".

Baron Sugar, how come you taste so good?

Yeah, I've been mizzen these pun threads.

You're a Willennial.

Rodney Lennon? I love that guy!

I call this turf ’n’ turf.

You guessed it, Frank Stallone.

He was a damned obstructionist! Always voting neigh!

"Hey Pidge, did you get a load of the nerd?"

Yeah, trying to think of criminal words and hoping one of them also happens to be the world's largest container port that you've somehow never heard of is clearly a less optimal strategy than trying to think of large container ports and hoping one of them is also an English word you've never heard of.

The subtitles on Pan Tadeusz are pretty good, except for one very unfortunate typo, in which "weeping" is rendered as "meeping".

Pan Tadeusz is a beautiful, beautiful film (except for one shot of a stork taking a shit in flight that inexplicably wasn't edited out) and should be seen by anyone with even a passing interest in Wajda's work.