
Go On's nothing without The Voice lead-in. That 9:00 timeslot is killing it now.

I've lucked out in the fact that my family is a Nielsen family, and after graduated from school, my first few living situations were with other Nielsen households (before I finally did evil — TV-wise — and moved to my own, non-Nielsen, place).

I actually think Community can consistently pull between a 1.4 and 1.6 this go-around.

Too bad that doesn't matter.

Makes the Mob Doctor look… well the Mob Doctor was terrible too.

How'd you do that? Need to consider double-counting (but of course, Nielsen doesn't give granular enough data to do that; and the sample technique already makes the difficult), but point taken.

A typical POTW episode, but that's territory for a full-order season, and sometimes necessarily to spell the serialization and long-form arcs. I enjoyed this episode for the most part.

It is. If you find procedurals palatable and like the mythological essence of Fringe, you'll like this.

It's been torrented. Started popping up on Day 1.

NBC's comedies may not be highly rated in the demo, but their demo-to-viewership ratios are nearly ~50%, which is great from an ad-sales perspective. Drives CPMs up, which is a good thing for networks and an acceptable evil for advertisers.

@Much loved character from canc: The whole being behind thing doesn't bother me much as does the naivete of people who watch the show on Netflix and think that's the be all end all.

I don't think sitcoms or shows like Fringe are meant to be binge-watched at first look.

The Office? Sure about that?

So Emily with a less wide and square-ey head and blonde hair, pretty much.

@MFer: Good point, but that's just strip syndication at a dedicated time slot, and not 3 straight hours of TBBT like TBS does it.

I'm curious to know the income demographic of those who prefer binge-watching, and if it's actually the high-income group not captured by the TV Club portion of AV Club (and college students).

And also their subscriber base, and Big Data.

It won't, but if it can stay around typical P&R numbers, this show will get #sixseasonsandamovie.

So Whitney actually helped, I think/recall?

It honestly wouldn't be a lot. If you go by CPMs for P2+, the cost each person would pay would be less than $1 for an entire 30 minute show.