
Also in Temple of Doom he grabs his hat inches before the stone slab comes down and seals the chamber. He did the same thing with his whip in the beginning of Raiders.

Skunk Ape, you don't consider the end of High Noon dark? He loses all faith in humanity, having been a stand-up guy all his life and abandoned in his hour of need. When it almost gets him killed it's as though he realizes that making protecting these worthless assholes his life's work has been a complete waste. That

I'm looking forward to the part
Where after he has struggled against all odds to get, in let alone play, Quasimodo is carried off the field by his teammates.

"Also, they look like this."
Fucking golden. Bravo, AV.

Took a shit on his chest while he slept?
Is Joaquin filming a follow-up to CKY2K?

Gilliam has created
The most intentionally aesthetically displeasing world imaginable. For me what always brought that point home was the horrid sound of the phone "ringing."

Everywhere else in the world the movie is known as "The Kung Fu Kid." Only in the states is the original franchise name retained. I hate to think of my fellow Americans as dumb, but, yeah.

Ah, whatever. They're not going to put her in with the general population.

"I can only quote Jesus in The Last Temptation of Christ"
Because that's how most people know of that guy, right? He was in that one movie, you know?

All fellatio demands aside
Is anyone else getting tired of "reboots?" C'mon Hollywood. A new idea. You can do it.

Big ditto on Kicking and Screaming
I was in Bloomington, Indiana at the time (rented it - VHS, natch - ) and me and my friends were starting to get just a little too old for the scene of the town. I remember an across the street shot of their house with its porch, looking awfully familiar, and saying, "This is hitting

Oh that Mel, he can really be a HAM LET me tell you.

I will set this fuckin' edifice alight and by all that is fuckin' holy your suction will remain un-fuckin'-altered!

Swing this! Shut the fuck up.

Led Zeppelin's "The Ocean."

When do we deconstruct Heckle and Jeckle?

I refuse to be cowed!

As has been widely noted
A great theme song.

Damn, harsh! I found it interesting.

Much love for John Adams
One of my favorite moments is late in his life as as Abigail (played by Laura Linney) is angry at what they're printing in the paper about her her husband being ineffectual. "A toothless old hermaphrodite!Why they would never call George Washington a hermaphrodite!"