
"Jump chump" is a new term to me. Pretty funny, really.

I can certainly see him as a young J. Edgar
But how do they handle him aging? Leo in slightly older makeup doesn't work for me. I had the same problem with the last act of The Aviator.

Don't remember Boner's first name but it's revealed in an episode that his father's name is Sylvester. One of Growing Pains' sort of actually funny gags.

You are a funny man, Mr. Bond!

Where's my dictionary! Dagnabbit!

I didn't watch the whole clip
But the banter between him and Martha actually sounded admirably unforced. (At least for a minute and a half.)

The face beating-in of Jesse James
By the coward Lou Ford.

Anyone else think it's noteworthy
That one of the tracks is written and produced by one of the pre-eminent Riot Grrrl bands? Does that say anything about the state of culture as consumption? Namely, that there's no such thing as selling out anymore, or no one cares? Not to knock Le Tigre for making music for someone

I just shot Pepsi out my nose.

It's not exactly from her perspective
But I would submit "Crazy Mary."

He doesn't prevent that movie from sliding into being annoying. He also doesn't prevent that movie from sliding into being a complete piece of shit.

Hey AV Club, fucking delete spam ads like this on your boards. This is the second time I've seen one. It's only going to happen more and more. I get enough advertising in my daily life, you know?

Gotta say
This dude seems cool and all, and is a very good actor, but I just could not stand Me You and Everyone we Know. It felt affected and fake. Anyone else feel that way?

Milwaukee is very cool.


Katherine Heigl will have you know
That she is better than this material.

I read that after wrapping each day's shoot during Star Wars, she would let a different guy from the crew rip the tape off. Yowza.

If this guy's life is the subject of a screenplay
May we now paint him with very same anti-elitist reactionary brush of disdain that he and other gasbags on the right so love to wield against those in the film industry?

Look guys, I didn't mean to come off as a dick (I might be a dick in real life, but I don't make an outward effort to be). Yummsh and anyone has a right to their opinion, it just struck me as odd. I'm in the camp that finds traditional booze more "classic" (classy? cool? less froofy?) as well. But to each his own.

If you're not a liquor drinker at all, why bring this up at all? Why should we give a shit about your opinions on alcohol? Why do you even give a shit?