
Maybe it was the one black Nelwyn from Willow.

My Kenpo instructor likes to joke that a prolonged "crane stance" or whatever might save your ass if it makes the other guy laugh hard enough to leave you alone.

They're called "McDojos."

Hey Donald Caballero

Isn't Acting Out
What retarded people do?

and was mauled and killed by them when they were true to their nature and showed him what being a bear was all about. Fuck this guy.

I don't feel the least bit of empathy
For a delusional jackass who thought he was lovingly accepted by, at one with, or somehow down with wild fucking animals - motherfucking GRIZZLY BEARS

I should mention the bumper sticker was on a pickup truck.

I have in fact seen a bumper sticker that read "Rednecks for Peace." I actually thought that was cool as fuck.

Does this mean people aren't really summed up by simple one-word tags?

Fine, I'm a dick, I don't care anymore
I don't like Bill O'Reilly either, but what he's trying to say, ahem, is that, how about a little love for the guys who make it their mission to raise their kids? I don't believe that Jennifer Aniston is single-handedly capable of bringing down our society, and hopefully it's

The real trick to good bass playing isn't complexity, it's stamina.

Speaking of actors' choices
The Satanic metal-head guys and their peculiar pronunciation annoyed me to the point where I had to ask myself why I was picking that particular thing to be annoyed about, know what I mean?

Did I say Grownups? I meant Big Daddy.

As if Grownups wasnt' bad enough
With Sandler's bullshit, it also featured the heinously annoying and happily missing from movies these days Joey Lauren Adams, who should have her face held in a deep fryer.

Ooooh, Ooooh, ooh

"When last we met I was but a regular checking account holder. Now I am the master."

Hey Sound of Teeth, I say you're monumentally stupid. The guy's head wasn't "basically torn apart," what would've killed they guy was having his neck broken. Your self-important harrumphing is laughable. Now get back to your homework, Timmy.

Ditto on the unbelievability
Of Derek's accelerated sympathizing with and subsequent befriending of his black fellow prisoner. Even liking the movie a great deal, that part always annoyed me in its falseness.

"Is he strapped?"