
In that case I say bravo and good show old chap!

FLIP you. Flip you for real.

And yeah, that joke's probably already on this thread somewhere. Deal.

Damn! Damn damn!
Del Toro would've been perfect.

You can't land on five!
You can't go into space! You can't go into space, man!

Will this be
Dilbert's origin story?

Good take on that, Jewfro Tull. He was a result of poor parenting, to be sure. He was put on the baby black market.

I'll see you in the yard!

If I recall correctly
Leonard Smalls (aka the Black Rider of the Apocalypse) had not only "Mama Didn't Love Me", but one that mirrored H.I.'s. They both had Woody Woodpecker, I think. Or something like that. H.I. sees it on his arm when they're struggling (when Smalls is kicking his ass) and there's a beat, a pause

He was still the most interesting thing in the Star Wars prequels.


I still get the old song stuck in my head sometimes
a-runnin' through the forest
each one laughin' what t'other has ta say

That has got to be the
the single weirdest and slightly disturbing vocal delivery ever. The guy who sits next to you on the bus who freaks you out even as he's smiling and talking about his sandwich.

"I socked Marylou."
Neil Cassady, God what a heroic, poetic icon. I wish I could be just like him.

Man I would be pissed!
If a band copped the name of one of my band's songs for their band name without permission. Which is exactly what Arab Strap did to Belle and Sebastian. Fuck "We're paying tribute to you guys." Get your own fucking band name.

Didn't Betty White say . . .
. . . the biggest reservation she had about hosting SNL was working with the teleprompter? Hey, I got an idea, how about an insanely high-pressure gig where that's one of the prime requisite skills!

I was sure I'd see Desperado on this list
Antonio Banderas plays the same character Robert Rodriguez plays in El Mariachi, only with insane, practically mind-bending fighting skills not even hinted at in the first film. They flashback "re-shoot" the climactic scene where The Mariachi is shot through both hands - in

A . . . special place. I don't know if it's comfort food either, but it's great fry-your-brain grooves from a billion year old planet. Timeless and foreign and familiar at once.

I was first introduced to "Bitches Brew" the first time I took LSD. It will forever hold special place in my heart.

Hearing Gandolfini speak without the Jersey accent
Weirds me out!